A Addon Idea

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A Addon Idea

Postby GoodAndy » Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:21 pm

I was thinking that it would be nice to have an addon that would turn the Last Updated text red if they hadn't updated in X amount of days. So the owner of the character would know or the guild master would know to make sure they update their character. Or you could also make it so it would automatically email them to tell them that they need to update their character. I think it would be a nice little addon. Not something major, but it would help me out. If I find the time, I'll try my best to add an addon to do this but I'm not all that great with PHP and stuff.
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A Addon Idea

Postby zanix » Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:42 pm

Actually, this can be done, but the mail part is major
Roster doesn't use any mail funcitons what so ever, so you would have to code your own (no increadibly hard)

This would require modification to roster core files (index.php and memberslist.php specifically)

This isn't too hard, the time is stored in a datetime format in mysql
If I remember right, in the old forums, someone actually did this exact same thing. Except that they used more colors plain(white) yellow, orange, red to designate time since last upload
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A Addon Idea

Postby GoodAndy » Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:44 pm

Thanks but I didn't think it would be overly complicated. It sounds like a feature that should come standard with WoWroster.

Btw, I just realized the grammer error in my topic title. I'm an idiot.
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A Addon Idea

Postby Ulminia » Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:37 am

a time index would no be hard i use this feature in determaning when some one has on our list in the admin section lol ial post code later for it and where to insert it for the new roster
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Re: A Addon Idea

Postby MattM » Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:03 am

GoodAndy wrote:I was thinking that it would be nice to have an addon that would turn the Last Updated text red if they hadn't updated in X amount of days. So the owner of the character would know or the guild master would know to make sure they update their character. Or you could also make it so it would automatically email them to tell them that they need to update their character. I think it would be a nice little addon. Not something major, but it would help me out. If I find the time, I'll try my best to add an addon to do this but I'm not all that great with PHP and stuff.

neat idea
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A Addon Idea

Postby zanix » Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:13 am

It's just like you to do this...

...I hate you matt :tongue:
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Re: A Addon Idea

Postby Ulminia » Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:52 am

this is not pritty noe quite what you want but gives dayes since last update to you when you go to the page place in the same folder as the conf.php for it to function right
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