Showing only level 60 characters

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Showing only level 60 characters

Postby Solan » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:20 am

Hi there. Searched through the forums, and checked the wiki before I asked, just need to know what I can do to edit the roster so it will only show level 60 toons.

Thanks in advance.
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Showing only level 60 characters

Postby ScratchMonkey » Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:39 am

Since you're asking about Roster, your question should be somewhere in the Roster section. I'd suggest under the general part of 3rd Party AddOns and Mods, which seems to be where generic customization questions belong.

This forum is for general coding questions unrelated to a specific program supported here. Those who only care about customizing Roster won't see it here.
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Showing only level 60 characters

Postby zanix » Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:31 am

Well, this type of question is applicable here, since it does require changing code in roster

Basicly you would need to edit alot of SQL queries
Addin soemthing like this on the end
Code: Select all
WHERE `level` > 59

Or adding it to an already exising WHERE clause
Code: Select all
AND `level` > 59
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Showing only level 60 characters

Postby DreadPickle » Tue Sep 05, 2006 6:45 am

Alternatively you could manually prune the database with publicdelete or write an addon that does this on a trigger for every upload.

This would let you delete the low levels instead of hiding them which would keep your database lean 'n' mean.

It really depends on how much work you want to put into it.
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Re: Showing only level 60 characters

Postby Olki » Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:33 am

In memberslist.php

To filter out the lower levels I have used the following code on line 206

Line 206
Code: Select all
   "LEFT JOIN `".ROSTER_PLAYERSTABLE."` AS players ON `members`.`member_id` = `players`.`member_id` AND `members`.`guild_id` = '$guildId' WHERE `members`.`level` > 59 ".

Set it to 10 if, like me, you only want to filter out the Mules, which are still listed in the Guild Bank add-on, which is perfect.

My first post and maybe last, so I take this opportunity to thank the developers for this really really good looking WoWRoster ! (and thanks lesablier and all participants for the frFR translation work).
Last edited by Olki on Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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