Cannot Create Signature for

A signature and avatar generator addon

Moderator: zanix

Cannot Create Signature for

Postby reishin » Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:39 pm

I get a "Cannot Create Signature for <charactername>" when I run updates for my characters. No error message, just lists it as part of the output. I'm not using uniuploader either. Checked for GD2 and it looked ok.

Only thing I can think of was that I recently migrated to a new hosting company but I copied everything from the old server to the new and all of the setting are the same. Siggen was working fine before the migration

Also tried resetting to default setting via the webpage and it didnt work.
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Cannot Create Signature for

Postby zanix » Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:56 am ... ame=Delori

SigGen appears to be working

Seems like you are running an old version (very old)
I don't have that message anymore in the trigger file
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