Addonmanagement Toubles

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Addonmanagement Toubles

Postby Iceman » Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:24 pm

I have the following problem:
I can upload a Addon only stand with the files in the Addonmanagement for 0 each time.
Thus the Download with the UniUploader does not function unfortunately.
I set the rights with the 3 folder (addon_temp, addon_zips and logos) to 777.

Perhaps does someone have a solution for me?

Sorry for my bad english

Here my original Question in German

Ich habe folgendes Problem:
Ich kann ein Addon hochladen nur steht bei den Files im Addonmanagement jedesmal 0.
Somit funktioniert der Download mit den UniUploader leider nicht.
Die Rechte habe ich bei den 3 Ordnern (addon_temp, addon_zips and logos) auf 777 gesetzt.
Hat vielleicht jemand eine Lösung für mich?

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Addonmanagement Toubles

Postby Rihlsul » Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:41 pm

Ensure has:




Folder structure is very important to UniAdmin/UniUploader
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Re: Addonmanagement Toubles

Postby Iceman » Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:48 pm

I uploaded the original zip-files and the files to have exactly this structure.
This installation is on a new Web space.
With the old Web space it functioned marvelously.

Additional information:
I see on the Web space in the folder addon_temp a folder interface set am however this am empty.
The Zip file was however up-loaded in addon_zips.
Last edited by Iceman on Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Addonmanagement Toubles

Postby Rihlsul » Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:06 pm

All that I can think of is that perhaps the new space's PHP configuration is not allowing the program to unzip the files on upload?

What uniadmin does after you upload is:
1) INSERTs a record
2) Moves the upload into the addon folder
3) Marks the file as 777
4) tries to unzip the file
-4.1) records all the unzipped files via INSERTs into uniadmin_files
-4.2) deletes the temp files
-4.3) deletes any folders created

Since # of Files is from num_rows(SELECT * uniadmin_files), the upload process is going wrong. Either the paths aren't working, so the program isn't able to move files correctly, or the host doesn't support ZIP handling.

Not sure how to assist beyond sharing knowledge of how things work. =\
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Addonmanagement Toubles

Postby Salamandre » Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:51 pm


I have exactly the same problem.
Tried to forge (usually they don't have Interface/Addons/ path) the zip for the addons either with ZipGenius under Windows, either under Linux after changing Interface and Addons folders rights to 777.
I also noticed that when you intentionnaly load a flat zip file (no subfolders) it is working perfectly nice (right number of files, update working ok except that the addon is not in the right folder of course).
Also, when uploading an addon with subfolders (not the others) I have the following error message:
Warning: is_dir(): Stat failed for [removed]/UniAdmin/addon_temp/Interface/AddOns (errno=13 - Permission denied) in [removed]/UniAdmin/pclzip.lib.php on line 4531

This looks like a right issues. I did two installations of UniAdmin, and put 777 rights to the addon folders. No way to get it working further :-/

I also try to upload the rpgo addon, since it already has the right paths within, but I had the same error message.

I am far from being an expert, but it seems that the issue is with the rights on the subfolder within the zip file, that can not be parsed once expanded. Or that can not be expanded, dunno.

Hope this can give you some hints. On my side I will try to make some glue so that flat zip files are accepted.
Cheers & Thanks

Edit: went to addon_temp folder and saw some folders remaining (did not know whether this was standard or not but since I was ok to rebuild again everything anyway I remove them all). Got it to work then oO
Don't know why some stuff stay in sometime.
Last edited by Salamandre on Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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