Addon Installer

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Addon Installer

Postby ScratchMonkey » Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:49 am

How to create an installer for a WoW addon:

Home page for the freeware InnoSetup:

Attached is the text config file I'm using for CharacterProfiler. You'll need to trim the .txt, leaving the extension as .iss.

The output is sent to T:\Output\setup.exe which should be renamed to something like addonname-version-setup.exe.
Remove the .txt from the end of the filename before use.
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Addon Installer

Postby zanix » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:20 am

Cool stuff

Post this on for calvin and he may consider making an exe version of CP and GP
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Re: Addon Installer

Postby sephtin » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:39 pm

Have been doing this for various mods for the guild to install various mods including: GuildMap, CT_RaidAssist, LaVendetta BossMods.. as well as a large number of optional mods like TauntResist, SimpleTranqShot, Decursive, BuffAhoy, etc.

It's a pain to recompile every single time a new version of ANY of the mods comes out tho.. and try to keep a medium sized guild all on the latest versions.. *sigh* Let me just say, that I'm SO looking forward to seeing a verison of UniUploader that will do optional mods!!!

... In any case, you just need the NSIS installer package avialable here:

In the script, it is hardcoded to pull the addon from your C:\Program Files\World Of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ dir, modify as necessary (It will autodetect the proper directory for the person installing the mods).

To use: Just rename the file to remove the .txt, right click and choose compile.

Sample install script using NSIS to pull in addons for installation.
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Addon Installer

Postby ScratchMonkey » Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:19 am

Can this be scripted? If you can launch NSIS from a batch file repeatedly you can do all the addons at once.
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Re: Addon Installer

Postby ScratchMonkey » Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:50 pm

Here's my ISS file updated for 2.0.1. You just need to tweak the paths to match the location where you unzipped the rpgo file and create the nopatch file (or remove that line from the ISS file).
InnoSetup installer creator script
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Addon Installer

Postby rrhode » Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:40 am

Since there is no PVPLog for WoW 2.0.1 yet that I can find I guess I don't need to include it in the nsi file, but is there a way to optionally include it with some kind of checkmark?

Also, Is there any way to compile UU to install at the same time as CP? This would be really handy and looking at the two nsi files available to me, I can tell the nsi above for CP and PVPLog is a bit outdated. However I don't know enough about this to know how to update it and integrate it with the install of UU which I have finally been able to compile successfully and syncronize it with UA.
Last edited by rrhode on Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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