Suggestion, a pop-up Printer friendly format that has it in clean table form with unchecked checkboxes. Great for the 'print out the list and check them off' types.
You also might be able to add a new column for skill level. Either you could be lazy add reference Roster tables to see if it's 'known', or you might be able to modify:
- Code: Select all
\&source\=live\">([^\<]+)<\/a>~", $contents, $matches);
to include pulling out of the 3rd <td> the Skill level. That'd also allow you to color based on difficulty like Made By (perhaps Red for beyond current level?) as well as ask the user if they'd only like Unknowns based on their current skill level.
Now that I'm looking at this in more detail, you could also do matching for the recipe! Woo... the recipe is linked underneath the item's spell.html link, like so:
- Code: Select all
<br><small><<a onmouseover="showstats(event,'id13476');" onmouseout="clearstats('id13476');"
href="/db/item.html?witem=13476"><span class="greenname">
Recipe: Mighty Rage Potion</span></a>></small>
That would allow a 'Learned from Recipe' column with quick linking to where to find the recipe.
Hope those are useful suggestions with useful enough pointers to doing some of the complicated bits.
Very clever add-on as is! Kudos!