How do i explain...

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How do i explain...

Postby Zarnek » Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:38 pm

Ok, first if you take a look at my site...

you'll notice that ... my site is doubled up... how do i get it to break out of that? or why is it even like that? I thought i got the phpnuke integrated version.... so why does it do that? also, when i upload my characterprofile.lua it tells me that it was ignored? Why is that? thanks in advance
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How do i explain...

Postby joehail » Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:50 pm

I have seen this before using IFrames

that is probably your issue.
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Re: How do i explain...

Postby Zarnek » Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:57 pm

I am not using iframes... i am using what ever i downloaded as the integrated php port... it's not my issue...
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Re: How do i explain...

Postby Titanmicro » Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:03 am

I am having the exact same issue:

If anyone can help that would be great. I am using the latest release of nuke 7.9

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How do i explain...

Postby DarkKnight388 » Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:44 pm

I had that before when somewhere in Roster it called the index or mainfile again, while it was already called.

Did you d/led the latest version of the nuked roster? It should be one topic down this one. That gave me no errors in that area so it "should" work for you too.
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How do i explain...

Postby Thumann » Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:44 pm

And if you change

<a href="modules.php?name=Roster">Roster</a>
<a href="modules.php?name=Roster" target="_self">Roster</a>

Any changes?
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How do i explain...

Postby Zarnek » Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:45 pm

Thumann, what file do I change that in? or are you refering to the actual menu that's auto generated by nuke?

DarkKnight- I gave it a benefit of a doubt, wiped my database, and started over with the one you suggested. Still the same thing.

So the 2 issues that I haven't fixed are,

-the menu appearing twice (b/c the site is loaded into what seems an iframe...

-and my upload characterprofile.lua and guild is ignored. I've read all about manually adding the guild and my name... but where?? I open the config.php and it has no place to put that info...
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Re: How do i explain...

Postby Titanmicro » Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:40 am

I am afraid that the code change did not solve my issue. I changed it in the conf.php for roster. I unloaded the database and did a clean install with the recent version and still have the same issue.

Anything else I can try?

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Re: How do i explain...

Postby Titanmicro » Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:52 am

I would still like to solve this issue with the nuke port (much cleaner way of doing things), but I noticed that the other person having my problem is using a product called iFrames. It seems to works well, where can I get that? Is it a module or a peice of code.

I am not giving up on the Nuke port but have a few other ideas for iFrames.

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How do i explain...

Postby Zarnek » Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:48 am

i'm not using iframes, that or i didnt put it there lol. i just installed the nuke port 1.7 of roster and thats what i get as a default :P
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How do i explain...

Postby DarkKnight388 » Wed Aug 23, 2006 12:22 pm

Zarnek, i went to your website ( and all i get when i click on Roster is an iFrame of RPG Outfitter with your clans roster.

So I don't know where to go to see your problem to figure out what's wrong with it...
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How do i explain...

Postby Zarnek » Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:19 pm

you have to use this link, because the other link is being used temporarily until I can resolve the wowroster issue.
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Re: How do i explain...

Postby DarkKnight388 » Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:11 am

That link gives the message that it's only accessible by admins... :scratch:
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How do i explain...

Postby Zarnek » Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:06 pm

oh whoops... fixed it
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How do i explain...

Postby DarkKnight388 » Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:48 am

Okay, I see something that I saw when I installed the nuked roster 1.7.0 for the first time...hmm. And that's a good sign, since I fixed it.

Somewhere, my bet is on either the index.php or the conf.php, your header or mainfile.php is called twice (or called again while it was already active).

If you like you could send me the two files to take a look at (please delete any passwords/login info) or paste the code in here (also with passwords deleted!).

I'm reachable at
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