PHP Memory Error

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PHP Memory Error

Postby Tymz » Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:31 am

Roster Version: 1.7.0
Running on a site hosted by

Error message:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1466463 bytes) in /home/vhosts/ on line 159

Ok, I have a characterprofiler.lau with 3 complete character scans and a guild list from guildprofiler, for a size of 471kb. When I do an update, with or without the guild member list update, I get this error message. I already talked to the host, and they kindly upped the php memory size from 4mb to 8mb, and I'm hesitant to ask them to up it to 16mb unless this will absolutely solve the problem. Is there a way to solve this problem? If you need any additional information, post and I'll get it to you asap. Thanks for your time.

Edit: I contacted the host again, and he sent me this back:

I really can\'t figure out an alternative way because other scripts similar to
your message all worked after yesterdays fix.

I think the script you\'re installing has bad programming because PHP memory is
size is 80MB and it only tries to take up 14. Yet it says that 80 is consumed.

And I highly suggest you discontinue use of this script because I can see from
log files that it slowed down the entire PHP network on 110mb.

And hopefully find a suggestion with the creators on how to bypass the error. OR
simply find an alternative script.
Last edited by Tymz on Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PHP Memory Error

Postby zanix » Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:24 pm

Try this

Open lib/commonfunctions.lib.php in a text editor
Code: Select all
$sql preg_replace$red_keywords$red_replace$sql ); 

Replace with
Code: Select all
//$sql = preg_replace( $red_keywords, $red_replace, $sql ); 

Code: Select all
$sql preg_replace$green_keywords$green_replace$sql ); 

Replace with
Code: Select all
//$sql = preg_replace( $green_keywords, $green_replace, $sql ); 
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Re: PHP Memory Error

Postby Tymz » Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:06 pm

My installation of roster was upgraded from the previous version to 1.7.0. I'm gonna try removing the db and files and starting from scratch. If that shows no improvement, I will try your suggestions. Thanks.
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Re: PHP Memory Error

Postby Tymz » Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:22 am

I re-downloaded roster 1.7.0, the image pack, and the phpbb fix. Removed all old files from my host, and uploaded the new files. Dropped all tables prefixed by roster_ (as per my roster config) and went through the install process again. Even with a fresh roster install, I received the PHP memory error. I then applied the code changes suggested above, and tried the upload again. I did not receive an error message, though I will continue to test the roster system.

I am curious what these 2 lines of code do. Apparently they aren't critical to the function of roster :)

Thank you for all your help. I will continue to post information when relevant to the issue.
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PHP Memory Error

Postby zanix » Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:49 am

No, they are just asthetic, they only color the SQL queries in the SQL box
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