Standalone Profiler Webpage

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Standalone Profiler Webpage

Postby Warla » Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:03 am

Some might remember my old standalone thingy which was based on CharacterProfiler / GuilcProfiler and the Roaster Database.
It was a front end to display a profile very wow look&feel.

Character Profiler kinda lacked the detailed export data i required to make it like inside world of warcraft, so i decided to start making my own UI Addon MOD thats gathering the info out of wow.

The addon is my first lua experience and therefore still very crappy and "raw" all the addon does is export the stuff i need and the code must be horrible at the moment... but hey at least it extracts what i want so its a good start hehe.
Planned for the mod is a User Interface with nice lists and stuff that shows in game what has been scanned and what still needs to be scanned.

The PHP/MySQL scripts i made to display the profiles though went rather nice :-)
I completely rewritten all the stuff and heres the result:
Belows links show some of my chars i exported using the selfmade mod and the standalone profiler scripts i've written

The reason for this thread is gathering feedback ideas on how to improve the current version.

I try to make it very customizeable, so that it can be integrated into future wow roaster versions as well. For example you can choose to either have the profile compact with the side tabs.. or split so you can display each "page" on a different website like its currently been done in wow roaster.

Thanks for checking this out and your feedback


Last edited by Warla on Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Standalone Profiler Webpage

Postby Shadowmane » Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:25 am

Your talking about side tabs here, and I saw them on your guilds website in the standalone profiler GUI. But in these previews the only thing I see are the bags and bank contents.....although that looks nice so far and seems to be better in graphics then the original WoWroster stuff (like the count number font).

As for improvements or new features, how about an extended "view" or GUI for a guildbank profile? Skip things like what he wears but more focussed on its bag contents.

Also I think I would prefer the idea of Sidetabs to keep all the stuff to a bare minimum space on the website then endlessly keeping to push more stuff into my webpages.
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Re: Standalone Profiler Webpage

Postby Shadowmane » Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:34 pm

As I am very interested in your standalone profile front-end I check into the previews once every couple of days....As I am a website developer myself I tend to make my design code (just basic HTML) compataible with most if not all browsers. Currently the most used browsers are IE from Microsoft and Forefox from the Mozilla group.

What caught my eye was that your profile system asside from all the bugs which will obviously be worked out there is one design bug that I dont know if your aware of. If not I included a screenshot of Firefox and IE so you can see what goes wrong. And if you are aware I'll just wait and see what the end product is gonna look like :)
bugs.jpg (183.41 KiB) Viewed 965 times
Last edited by Shadowmane on Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Standalone Profiler Webpage

Postby Maurd » Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:33 am

Is there any chance of the roster team integrating this version of the reputation page into the official roster release? It's much cleaner looking.
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Standalone Profiler Webpage

Postby zanix » Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:46 am

Maurd wrote:Is there any chance of the roster team integrating this version of the reputation page into the official roster release? It's much cleaner looking.
Short answer, yes
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Re: Standalone Profiler Webpage

Postby Maurd » Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:50 am

zanix wrote:Short answer, yes

Good enough. You make me smile.
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