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RottGutt wrote:Share the love man! What steps do you take to make this work?
aalwein wrote:I'm not understanding the additional variables bit. where and what exactly do i enter?
[2006/10/01 09:32:22] Uploading to Primary URL...:
[2006/10/01 09:32:22] PvPLog.lua - 91% Compressed. Upload Size: 16.67 KB
[2006/10/01 09:32:22] CharacterProfiler.lua - 85% Compressed. Upload Size: 24.66 KB
[2006/10/01 09:32:22] GuildProfiler.lua - 11% Compressed. Upload Size: 0.08 KB
[2006/10/01 09:32:23] Upload Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
aalwein wrote:try using Bedevere's cmsint changes. I got that same error at first, then used bedevere's changes and it started working fine. Also, make sure your roster is available to ALL users, not just registered. when it was limited, it didnt work.
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