zanix wrote:There are certain items that even though they are the same, they have different item_id's, and this means that they are technically different items and it picks this up
Yes.. it's right.
There are technically different recipes.
The only field different is the tooltip info (the cooldown info for differents alchemists).
The request also searches distinct item including the tooltip.
If there are 3 differents cooldown, you will see 3 times the same recipe.
The only thing I find is to filter the makers in order to display for which maker correspond this recipe with this cooldown.
To do that:
Find in "addon\recipe\RecipeList.php" l.149
- Code: Select all
$qry_users = "select, r.difficulty, s.skill_level ".
"where r.member_id = m.member_id and r.member_id = s.member_id and r.skill_name = s.skill_name ".
"and recipe_name = '".addslashes($recipe->data['recipe_name'])."' order by";
Replace by
- Code: Select all
$qry_users = "select, r.difficulty, s.skill_level ".
"where r.member_id = m.member_id and r.member_id = s.member_id and r.skill_name = s.skill_name ".
"and recipe_name = '".addslashes($recipe->data['recipe_name'])."' and recipe_tooltip = '".addslashes($recipe->data['recipe_tooltip'])."' order by";
I know, it's not the best way...
But with this fix, there is a good raison to have multiple times the same recipe

For me a better way is not to select distinct tooltip, but I don't find how to do that keeping all infos.
zanix wrote:This is a dead roster addon, meaning that no one updates it anymore
If someone want to take over it, they are more than welcome to
I agree with you.
It's really too bad that's a dead roster addon.
I think it's by the way a terrible addon for people who want see what is craftable in the guild.