(BUG?) +Defense gear not correctly Calculated

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(BUG?) +Defense gear not correctly Calculated

Postby inkfreq » Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:45 pm

I was looking over my roster, and noticed that the item bonus display at the bottom was not correctly calculating +Defense gear.

Not in all cases, but it looks ot me like any +Defense bonus which is not defined as an "Equip: Increased Defense" doesn't get calculated in the item bonuses shown below the character.

The places I noticed this were on the Core Leather Kits and +Defense enchants for bracers.

Not a huge thing at all, but I thought someone might want to know.
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(BUG?) +Defense gear not correctly Calculated

Postby AnthonyB » Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:01 am

Yeah, there are short-comings in these calculations as either new descrption strings get introduced or we find some that get missed.

To help us try and resolve these issue please link your roster (which naturally you should be doing if you've read the Forum Posting Rules...) and specifically link the char page where the problem exists.
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Re: (BUG?) +Defense gear not correctly Calculated

Postby inkfreq » Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:58 pm

Your 100% right AnthonyB, I should be linking my roster to help debug things like this. My fault.


I am using the PHP integration of WoWRoster 1.70. It's a very very very new implimentation, so not a lot is loaded yet
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