GuildBank Inventory Incomplete

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GuildBank Inventory Incomplete

Postby xing » Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:35 pm

I am using Roster 1.7 on our guilds roster, viewable at:

The guild bank, regardless of which "GuildBank" I view, is not showing all the contents. When I look at the individual characters, it appears not all their bag's are showing. They're all using 14 slot bags are higher, but they're only showing like 4 slots per 14 slot bag. It's sort of weird.

I've tried deleting the CharacterProfiler.lua and letting it be recreated but it doesn't seem to help.

Using CharacterProfiler v1.5.4a on a base install of Roster 1.7, no extra mods.

Guild Bank:
One of the Banks: ... =Dalvengyr

Check out the bags and bank inventory, it's not showing everything.

I'm setup to use the officer note (bank) for the two banks that are inventoried.

Thanks for your time.
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GuildBank Inventory Incomplete

Postby zanix » Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:16 am

This is a CP error from version 1.5.4
In same cases, even /cp purge all doesn't work

In *WOWDIR*/WTF/Account/*ACCOUNT*/SavedVariables/
Make sure you delete CharacterProfiler.lua AND CharacterProfiler.lua.bak

Make sure you remove the .bak file, as this will be used if the .lua file is deleted
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