Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Data Accuracy issues

Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby Sahasrahla » Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:04 pm

I'm getting several inconsistencies on our keys page. The largest glaring example is that (right now at least) Vindicate has 3 keys that have no image name, no tooltip, yet they are recognized as present in his inventory correctly. Other people have the Shadowforge, DM and Strat keys and the images/tooltips are fine there...

Also, if you go down the Scarlet Key column (just as an example) a few of the icons have the full tooltips w/description, but most do not. The opposite is true for the Mara scepter: most have the full tooltip and a few do not.

FAKE EDIT: ok, so the tooltips come directly from the db which comes directly from CharacterProfiler so is not your problem. But Vind's data in the db looks exactly the same as everybody elses for those three keys, so I still can't figure out why his keys aren't showing like they should...
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Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby ScratchMonkey » Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:12 pm

Is everyone using the latest CharacterProfiler? (I believe it's 1.5.4a.)

Does Vind perhaps have some hidden characters or newlines in his DB entry?
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Re: Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby Sahasrahla » Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:43 pm

The only version of CP that I've exposed my guild to is 1.5.4a; unless some of the guildies have gone out and found their own outdated version of the addon, then they should all be using the latest.

And I don't see anything weird in Vind's sql dump, but I'll attach it here for you to take a look.
SELECT * FROM `roster_items` WHERE member_id = '11' && item_name LIKE '%key%'
(2.43 KiB) Downloaded 413 times
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Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby ScratchMonkey » Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:42 pm

He has 2 each of 3 keys. Could that be confusing the code in memberinst.php? I'd throw some debug print's of the queries to see what his key query looks like.
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Re: Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby Sahasrahla » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:23 am

ScratchMonkey wrote:He has 2 each of 3 keys. Could that be confusing the code in memberinst.php? I'd throw some debug print's of the queries to see what his key query looks like.

I deleted the extra keys and everything seems right on the Keys page now ;) Thanks for the help.
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Re: Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby lithanos » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:26 am

Why do the keys the rogues have show as thieves tools?
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Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby Diska » Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:33 am

If rogues have the actual key it will show up. If they don't have it but their lockpicking skill is high enough to pick the locks it shows the thieves tools. Thieves tools are needed for lockpicking.
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Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby ScratchMonkey » Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:05 am

Sahasrahla wrote:I deleted the extra keys and everything seems right on the Keys page now ;) Thanks for the help.

Did you remove them from his bags or from the DB? If he really has 2 of each key, then the problem will recur when he uploads his data again. (I don't know if it's possible to possess two of the same keys. I do see that it looks like one of each pair is in his bank and the other in his bags.)
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Re: Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby Sahasrahla » Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:51 am

ScratchMonkey wrote:
Sahasrahla wrote:I deleted the extra keys and everything seems right on the Keys page now ;) Thanks for the help.

Did you remove them from his bags or from the DB? If he really has 2 of each key, then the problem will recur when he uploads his data again. (I don't know if it's possible to possess two of the same keys. I do see that it looks like one of each pair is in his bank and the other in his bags.)

Actually I think it was some form of bug in CP. He had the keys in his bank, then when the 1.11 patch came out he moved them to his keyring (bag5). I deleted the ones in his bank.

And I'm pretty sure they are unique, so you can't have more than one.
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Re: Inconsistency on the Instance Keys page.

Postby lonk » Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:35 pm

i found that sometimes it does add extra items. this is true with every version i have used. the way i have my members fix it is to do this command from the chat window.

Code: Select all
/cp purge all

this will purge all the data in the character.lua. after that is done have them resave and log out. this has always fixed issues of it reading too many items or not reading new items.

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