Problems updating some members

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Problems updating some members

Postby Sonier » Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:22 pm


I have a small problem with our guild roster, in which it will not upload some of our members details..

Don't receive any error message, just takes you straight back to the update page..

The guild is setup ok, as there are members who update fine.

I've asked them to run a /cp purge all etc, i think it's something to do with the file sizes, i could be wrong, but is there a way to increase the file size allowed ?

Heres a copy of the lua file in question...
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Problems updating some members

Postby ThePrimaryDave » Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:03 pm

I believe the site-wide php settings are usually responsible for file size maximums.
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Re: Problems updating some members

Postby Sonier » Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:48 am

OK, besides the size issue, anything else i can look at ?
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Problems updating some members

Postby ThePrimaryDave » Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:02 am

It's also possible that the people who are having problems are getting serious network lag and it's timing out. I think I remember seeing something about that, but couldn't tell you if that was ever found to be the culprit or what they did about it.
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Problems updating some members

Postby Sonier » Sat Aug 12, 2006 8:05 pm

No, i don't think its lag, i've tried the exact same file and nothing happens, but i can upload my file without problems 100% of the time....
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Re: Problems updating some members

Postby Carissma » Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:20 pm

Some of my members are having the same problem. I can upload my characterprofiler.lua up all the time with no problem. But this one member who had no problems before, is now having upload problems. They press update but nothing happens in the update box.
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Problems updating some members

Postby Greenoaf » Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:30 pm

Had this problem before:

This looks like a possible issue between client and server, the file you listed is in the proper format and isn't missing any special characters that would throw the parser off.

It seems like it would have to be lag, not necessarily ISP lag, possible server lag (was busy at the time of upload). Client browser issues maybe?

Have them remove all lua files from the SavedVariable folder under WoW. have them completely remove the mod and log into WoW. Then log back out and re-install the Character Profiler addon and re-save their stats.

In essence you are completely resetting every possible variable. For the two people that I had do this, once completed, their next upload went just fine. Not sure what it is, but starting from scratch worked both times.

These are people with multiple 60 toons, so filesize isn't the issue I wouldn't think.

Last edited by Greenoaf on Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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