I've just uploaded Wowroster to my website and I'm trying to load the first file and I get the following error:
Warning: file() [function.file]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(C:\uploadtemp\php1396.tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (D:\Hosting\randomevent\random\wowcoldblood.com) in D:\Hosting\randomevent\random\wowcoldblood.com\www\roster\lib\luaparser.php on line 38
If I go to the Roster Diag, I notice that open_basedir is set to On, and from what I've read of a few others problems, I assume that is the problem. However, before going to my hoster I would rather have some confirmation of what the problem is and what is needed to fix it.
Setup information:
- Code: Select all
Basic Server Info
OS Windows NT
Server Software Microsoft-IIS/6.0
MySQL Version 4.0.14-max-nt
- Code: Select all
PHP Settings
PHP Version 5.1.2
PHP API Type cgi-fcgi
safe_mode Off
open_basedir On
allow_url_fopen On
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 2M
Anything further you need?
Thanks for the help