Issue with "of Fire Resistance"

Addon that shows the maximum statistics possible

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Issue with "of Fire Resistance"

Postby jimmycheese » Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:26 am

I have noticed with my guild that items with "of Fire Resistance" are being ignored in their calculations. For example:

Jasper Link of Fire Resistance
Peridot Circle of Fire Resistance

since the name also appears in the tooltip I blelive that the query string is grabbing the first instance of "Fire Resistance" and doing a substr there to look for the # value, not finding it, it is displaying nothing.

I am going to look into the issue tomorrow, but wanted to see if anyone else had implemented a fix for this.

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Re: Issue with "of Fire Resistance"

Postby rapidcoder » Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:35 pm

There is an additional problem wir FR1 (Main Resistance). You have to delete the new-lines in both SQL Statements! (\n).

(Don't know if it only happens in the german SQL or with specific MySQL Versions/Servers).

I wonder if we should move the string modifications to PHP, SQL is pretty weired :)
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Re: Issue with "of Fire Resistance"

Postby jimmycheese » Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:58 pm

When you say delete the new lines which are you referring to? this is the first time I've installed this, I made some modifications to the sql, and will have my guild test, if it works out I will post it here.

I agree moving it to php would make it easier to adapt . . I'm not sure if it would be any more efficient though.
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Re: Issue with "of Fire Resistance"

Postby jimmycheese » Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:32 am

SOOOOooooo . . . I'm dumb

This is just a case where the objects were not soulbound :/

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Issue with "of Fire Resistance"

Postby Subxero » Wed Aug 09, 2006 7:49 am

say cheeseeeeeeeeeeeee
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