Hey all here. Wonderful program you have here (seen on guild site), so i thought i would try for my guild.
Noob to this so sorry about that, and did a search like the forum tells me to, and although there were ppl with same problem, none where resolved enough for me to try.
Ok downloaded the roster...created a db called roster, and then uploaded all the files to my server host.
Got normal screens of everything is ok to run it etc etc.
Got as far as "need to config roster" Clicked that button and got this
Couldn't connect to the database
MySQL said:
1044:access denied for user "k21tbeg@'localhost' to database 'roster'
I have accessed my database, made a new user etc still nothing..
Also the only way i am finding is to delete all roster files and then re upload just to try installing again with a different pw or username...Is there anyway of doing this easier?
TBEGuild Roster Error
So you can for urself if you need to.
As said above I am kninda new again to this, so in very basic english would be nice hehehhee. ie i read a post where it says edit your config.php file with your username and password, but sadly i could not find this option in that file.
Anyhow i will stop typing now, but do thank all that read this and reply back.