I did a fresh install of WoW with no addons. I installed the svn85 versions of the character and guild profilers.
When I launch the game the two profilers appear when I click Addons in the character select screen.
When I load the character I get confirmation that the two profilers have loaded successfully.
No minimap button appears.
When I click Interface there is no tab for addons.
The same thing happens if I use the 1.0 versions of the profilers.
If I open the guild bank I get 14 LUA errors related to wowroster.
If I open the character window there is no save button.
After logging out here is the content of wowroster.lua
wowrpref = nil
cpProfile = {
["profileKeys"] = {
["Kathco - Feathermoon"] = "Kathco - Feathermoon",
cpminimap = nil