Roster 2.2 RC Alpha 1

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Roster 2.2 RC Alpha 1

Postby Ulminia » Wed May 09, 2012 5:12 pm

By the end of the week i will be publishing the final beta as Alpha RC this should be the final beta since there dosent seem to be that many issues. Also i will be processing a smaller and more compact Character/Guild Profiler the only info scanned by the Lite edition will be info not found on the Blizzard Api, this making roster able to be independent from the in game addon.. well mostly anyway.

With the release will come a new Documentation on the built in API in roster so more addons can be built for roster, Plugin info for some of the core addons will also be added so you can build to your hearts content :)

The user system seems to be working as intended BUT I need more feedback on features you wana see..

As always happy testing
Ulminia of Zangarmarsh
Zonous of Zangarmarsh
Author of Roster Gallery
WoWRoster-Profiler Redesigner
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