wowroster.lua file not uploading

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

wowroster.lua file not uploading

Postby RayvenUK » Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:21 pm

I'm getting to the stage where I am beginning to think that I cannot update the roster any more :(

Last night, for the sheer hell of it, i created a new subdomain, downloaded and installed the roster from scratch onto it, created a new database, just to see if it was my current install that was giving me grief.

I deleted the wowroster.lua file and logged two of my characters in (my guildmaster and my current working alt), scanned and saved everything and then exitted WoW.

I set up uniuploader (mainly because i know the size of the file can break my upload limits eventually), configured it, and uploaded the data.

Everything went fine, the data uploaded, the member list was populated and all of the data about that one character was present.

I then logged back in and scanned and saved all of the characters (all 7 of them) and used uniuploader again to update the file.

This is when it all goes pear shaped, and this was happening with the original guild website as well.

The wowroster.lua file is currently 6.96 Mb in size, built from scratch and only scanning the 7 characters. The upload feature of the roster won't let me due to the file size: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 12582912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 278 bytes)

When i used uniuploader everything seems to work, until I examine the roster and the following has happened.
The first character I scanned is fine, but this may have come from the original upload.
The second character I originally scanned has not been updated, and in fact some information has been removed.
Two of the characters have become active links on the guild members, but are recorded at level 0 (they are 85) and no other data is available (yet they were fully scanned and saved)
The rest of the characters have nothing uploaded.
The "Last Online" is not showing the correct date - it is several days out.

I have the gzip option turned on in uniuploader.

My PHPINFO() shows that I should be able to upload files up to 8Mb size.

I had suspicions that addons may be the issue, so i disabled everything and deleted the wowroster.lua file and started again. This time the file dropped to 5.40Mb. I trued uniuploader (same as before) and the roster upload options (same fatal error).

I am now at a complete and utter loss as to
1) what is happening
2) how to fix it

Any help before I order a straitjacket off eBay and commit myself?

Thanks in advance

BTW - if you need the website address, it is and the wowroster.lua file is attached in all it's glory.
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Re: wowroster.lua file not uploading

Postby Ulminia » Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:12 pm

i have tryed uploading too and receved the error
Code: Select all
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 12582912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in /home/dragonmounuk/public_html/pod3/roster/lib/luaparser.php on line 206

upload is not the only value you need to worry about POST sixe affects this as well contact your host and have them set post to 10mb and you should be ok
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Re: wowroster.lua file not uploading

Postby Ulminia » Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:14 pm

also we have the beta of 2.2 up and open this has the ability to use the new Armory Sync Called Roster apisync downloads/?id=145
the beta can be found here post39759.html
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Re: wowroster.lua file not uploading

Postby zanix » Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:28 pm

Code: Select all
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 12582912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 35 bytes) in /home/dragonmounuk/public_html/pod3/roster/lib/luaparser.php on line 206

This error has to do with the allowed memory usage for PHP itself
Code: Select all
12 582 912 bytes = 12 megabytes

You are running out of available memory for PHP

To fix this, you need to set memory_limit in php.ini to something higher than 12M
I normally see servers set to at least 128M. Your server is set ridiculously low for most PHP applications.
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Re: wowroster.lua file not uploading

Postby RayvenUK » Sat Apr 21, 2012 8:07 am

Zanix or Ulminia - quick question RE BETA
Tried it this morning and have gotten stuck. I know you have a beta forum, but I'm being cheeky as you did kinda point me at the beta :)
Installed everything okay, but stuck just after logging in as Admin
Got the message:
Your account is not active or has not been approved by the admin only "Public" areas can be accessed
Even though I am logged in as Admin.
Logging out and in does not help.
Deleting the install.php does not help.
Database, pages, all seem fine, but I can't access the control panel - same message keeps appearing, and I can't see if I've missed any instructions.
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Re: wowroster.lua file not uploading

Postby Ulminia » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:22 pm

OPPS .. this is a minor issue i seems to have missed your gonna have to open your database manualy and set admin 'active' field to 1 ...sorry ial make a patch in beta and repost because of this lol
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Re: wowroster.lua file not uploading

Postby Ulminia » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:37 pm

post39759.html and i broke svn version numbering i guess i was asleep and seen 4 as a 6 lol
svn 2448 is up and will fix your issue and some other monor ones in registration
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