Armory Sync -> ApiSync

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

Moderators: Ulminia, poetter

Re: Armory Sync -> ApiSync

Postby Gator81 » Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:01 am

well the only place i seen the pulldown was already set for, but i am guessing you want me to select another one and save and then another one and save and then again and safe an hopefull it will write to the databas the correct info...

well as of right now it passed with the guild input, and i am doing the char input and I am not getting anything for "talent" but i seem to be getting info for equip/rep/skill/char and its taking about 18 to 20 secs each one and it still going, so i will see what it looks like it grabbed later on as it has like 557 to grab i am guessing about 155.5 mins to do the updates (2hrs 35mins 30sec)

i will post how everything looks after its done.
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Re: Armory Sync -> ApiSync

Postby Gator81 » Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:30 pm

I thought i had posted a responce but i guess i hit the wrong key...the responce you gave was somewhat confusing but if it seems that what I may of done what you suggested and it worked.
I went to the cp and where it shows, i changed to uk, and then to the others, saveing every time i made the change. I then went back to and loaded armory sync and the guild sync worked with no errors, i then went to the character sync and the Talent row didnt work but the rest seem to update. As i am typing this i went back to do the character sync again and the first line failed and stopped with this error:

Api call fail!

character: A request was made to a resource that doesn't exist. : Character not found. ... s,pets,pvp

i guess because of the error it will not continue.

my testing:
I know some of these things may of been covered and i am sorry if i repeat anything, i just want to do a good job as what i see.
Guild Tab:
Guild Info tab:
guild info shows all data fine
items have no link. (remember where you use to mouseover or click to bring up stats of that item, i may be missing something for this to work)
Achievements - shows a bar but gives no info except the guild level, there is a php error (addons/guildinfo/guild/index.php)
Member achievements- seems to display everything correct
Raid encounters - fine
Epic items looted - shows fine, no link to loot spec's
Epic items crafter - shows fine, no link to loot spec's
Epic items Purchased - shows fine, no link to loot spec's
Levels - just shows a bar, php error (addons/guildinfo/guild/index.php)

Members Tab:
Shows MOTD and members come up with no problems
Honor system stats - seem to only show 2 people and numbers for just 1 of them
PvP stats - didnt show any, but this may of been a setting on my end, dunno
members seem to all come up with limited info and you cannot click on member to load them up.
PHP errors:
Warning line 443: call_user_func(guild_rep_function::guild_rep) []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback

seems to work fine, and will allow you to load member when you click on the name.
PHP error:
Notice line 333: Undefined variable: current

Honor system stats- shows same like before
PvP Stats- same
members seem to show fine with data, link of members are working too

Member log - loaded fine, cannot link character
Php error:
Notice line 55: Undefined index: PAGINATION_PREV
Notice line 56: Undefined index: PAGE
Notice line 57: Undefined index: PAGINATION_NEXT

Professions: Seem to load fine, no link to recipies. dunno if it is to link to recepies or not.

PvP Stats: loads, but shows no info for any stat, and there are no php errors.

I know this is getting long so i will stop short of a complete list, I hope this may help with anything, i know you all are working hard and i just want to pass info on from someone that is not a programmer..
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Re: Armory Sync -> ApiSync

Postby Ulminia » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:50 pm

recipes dont come with the api wowhead is the only place to link too
achievements work? wow that odd they shouldent ...
item links are iffy because of api gen items
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Re: Armory Sync -> ApiSync

Postby Gator81 » Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:07 am

I havnt been able to do much testing lately, but i will be doing more testing and will try to pass on what i found.
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Re: Armory Sync -> ApiSync

Postby Ulminia » Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:15 am

Php error:
Notice line 55: Undefined index: PAGINATION_PREV
Notice line 56: Undefined index: PAGE
Notice line 57: Undefined index: PAGINATION_NEXT

im gona look into this...
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