Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

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Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

Postby Scatmanicus » Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:32 am

I have used WOWRoster in the past but not for about 18 months so I am familiar with the application.

I downloaded WOWRoster and addons, unzipped into the proper folder, uploaded to the website, created the database, created the user, ran the install and setup the Roster password, then logged in. Everything went fine.

However, when I downloaded and installed the GuildProfiler and CharacterProfiler, the Save button did not appear on either the guild or character window. The version installed was updated by the Curse updater and was version 3.3.0 on both. I read about the need to do a reload ui so I did that but no change.

So I downloaded and installed the 3.1.0 version of both from the WOWRoster download folder. Same problem.

So I went to the RPG Outfitter site and downloaded the 3.0.0 version of both. Same problem.

I tried all three versions with ACE 2.0, then ACE 3.0 addon enabled. That had no affect.

Incidentally, just to test, I downloaded the WOWProfiler for the BETA version of WOWRoster, enabled the ACE 3.0 addon and that worked fine for both the Guild as well as Character windows. Data was saved.

So is there anything that I haven't tried that might work?
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Re: Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

Postby zanix » Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:26 am

CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler have not been updated since WoW v3.1 (or 3.3, I don't recall) so WoW will mark them as out of date.
If you want to try to use them, go to the addons screen, look for "Load out of date addons" in the upper right corner, and make sure it's checked.

I suggest using WoWRoster Profiler found in the beta files, but to use it, you have to use the 2.1 beta of WoWRoster as well since WoWRoster 2.0.2 won't accept the wowroster.lua file.
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Re: Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

Postby Scatmanicus » Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:25 pm

I don't mean to sound mean-spirited as I'm not but, basically,WoWRoster 2.0.2 is dead. If you can't update it via in-game, it's useless. If I'm wrong, then tell me how I can upload my guild and character profiles.

Otherwise, I'll uninstall everything and upload the 2.1 beta version.
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Re: Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

Postby Ulminia » Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:48 pm

the only other way is to use armory sync which has issues with data not being on the old armory ... at this time WOWRoster Profiler was coded not interfeer with rpgo mods if they where ever updated.. you can however in the lua file change the cpProfile to what ever it is that rpgo used i cant remember ... upgrading from 2.0.2 to 2.1 is simple dl the cor package upload over your old roster dir then go to your address of your roster the upgrade script will make any needed changes that 2.1 needs to your old most all 2.0.2 addon still work as the addon framework was not changed..
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Re: Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

Postby Scatmanicus » Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:09 pm

This is a completely new install anyway so no need to upgrade, I'll just delete and install the beta. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
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Re: Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

Postby Ulminia » Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:10 pm

your welcome and i am sorry that when i recoded cp that i changed the files and way it stores data it just seemed better to do it our way lol but agian all addons and other 2.0.X roster mods should work with 2.1 beta
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Re: Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

Postby Scatmanicus » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:58 am

No apology necessary. If the new format makes the upload more reliable, then a change was warranted. I come from 30+ years application development but been out of the game for about 10 years.
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Re: Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

Postby Ulminia » Sat Mar 12, 2011 5:09 pm

i axualy lurned as i coded the remake lol it has some errors and im not skilled enough to fix them :S
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Re: Guild and Character Profiler Save Button Missing

Postby Scatmanicus » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:12 pm

A reporter once criticized Einstein for having a misspelled word in an article he had written. Einstein told him that if he wanted to ensure the word was spelled correctly, he would look it up in a dictionary but his mind was focused on the big pictures. It's a shame we can't do that as programmers as it 'is' the details that will make or break an application. However, if you can research, you can figure out how to do just about anything....within reason. I'm leaving brain surgery out of my research. :)

Seriously, I have a one-man shop for website design, development and hosting. I come across things all the time I want to put on a website but can't quite get it to look the way I want. That's when I pull up Google, do some research and find the really smart people who have already figured out how to do it, then I just copy and modify. In fact, on the WOWRoster I installed a few years ago on a guild website, I did hack the code for display purposes to show something that was not displayed on one of the pages. It was a tip from a forum thread that gave me the key on how to do it. it wasn't my 'code' but it did help me to do what I wanted to do.

I guess you could call it plagiarism. LOL
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