The Moment You all have been waiting for.. BETA

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The Moment You all have been waiting for.. BETA

Postby Ulminia » Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:34 am

Beta is up!

WoWRoster v2.1 Beta Topic

Please follow our guidelines and keep an eye on your Roster Diag and in the Beta Files Forum for updates and changes.

To all of you translators out there we need translations done!
If you have made changes post the files and we will add them to the svn

Thank You! and enjoy!
Ulminia of Zangarmarsh
Zonous of Zangarmarsh
Author of Roster Gallery
WoWRoster-Profiler Redesigner
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Posts: 1223
Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:41 pm
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
Realm: Zangarmarsh (PvE) - US

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