PvPLog 3.1.0

Forum Dedicated to PvPLog, (The WoW PvP data collector addon), and PvPLog related topics

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PvPLog 3.1.0

Postby bsmorgan » Mon May 17, 2010 4:22 am

PvPLog 3.1.0 has been released.

2010-05-16 * 3.1.0
* Added options for recording and notifying in Combat Zones.
* Changed some manually requested messages from debug to chat messages (i.e. don't have to turn on debug to see them).

A new (optional) flag, cz, has been added to the battle records in PurgeLogData which indicates that the zone was a Combat Zone (currently only Wintergrasp).

The config screen was rearranged to accomodate the Combat Zone options. Translations are needed for German, French, and Spanish (and any other language people want to volunteer for).

The .zip file is attached to this message until it can be moved to the downloads section.
(37.23 KiB) Downloaded 464 times
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Re: PvPLog 3.1.0

Postby zanix » Mon May 17, 2010 6:33 pm

It's in the downloads section
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