License Change Notice

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License Change Notice

Postby zanix » Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:02 am

This is a notice that certain projects will be changing their license from Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5" license to GPL v3
One reason is so we can use services that are made freely available to officially licensed open source projects. Another is that it's a "real" open source code license.

In one week from the date of this posting (on 4/11/2010), the license will go into affect for the these projects, and a Google Code project will be created for each of them.
  • WoWRoster
  • UniAdmin
  • PvPLog

WoWRoster Addons currently in our SVN may be transfered to us if the author(s) wish, and we will create a Google Code project to manage each of them, or include them in the base distribution. Alternatively, authors may choose to manage their addons separately in Google Code or elsewhere. Any addon project hosted separately should be linked to or the WoWRoster Google Code project, and in return a link to the addon will be created from the WoWRoster Google Code project and the website. You do want people to know about your addon right? Please contact the project leaders for a link.

As for UniUploader, I have contacted the original author (MattM) and am waiting for his response and permission to change the license and/or move it to Google Code. This will not be moved until we get his response.

CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler are under a special use license for, but I am still asking calvin if we may put our revision on Google Code.

This posting may come across as aggressive to any previous devs coming across the page who did not participate in this discussion. This is not our intent. We just need to move forward on easing our costs on the server and time.

We will continue offering the current version of roster for download under its existing license to facilitate addons.
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Re: License Change Notice

Postby bbj911 » Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:51 pm

i think this is a good move...

waiting patiently get get latest code....
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Re: License Change Notice

Postby zanix » Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:03 am

Ok, tomorrow this will go into effect

Then we can get back to coding!
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