ArmorySync still working?

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

Moderators: Ulminia, poetter

ArmorySync still working?

Postby PHandels » Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:06 am

I downloaded Armorysync from SVN and it still seems to work.
It installs, error on adding guild (allready been added with char/guildprofiler anyway)
ArmorySynch for Guild Memberlist working (updated all 310 members, no errors all OK)
ArmorySynch for Character does not seem to work.
It says "No infos for <charname>. Character probally has not been updated a while." for every member in the guild.

I just hoped this addon could kinda fetch character profiles from the official armory like eqdkp-plus does so its not required to use charactermanager to update a members profile and i could update the entire list of guildmembers.

I see last post in this topic is a while ago...
Is there a way to get this addon working or i better uninstall it?

Btw beta of new roster is nice i tried it :)
Just switched back to stable roster for the guild and was checking out some addons.
Last edited by PHandels on Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ArmorySync still working?

Postby Ulminia » Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:18 am

the svn version of armorysync will not work with older rosters then the beta.. due to the armory.lib.php file getten massive updastes.... probably why its not working...
armory changed the way urls are displayed and used ie insted of ?n=Ulminia its ?cn=Ulminia this was updated for the beta in the armory lib file but i havent posted a patch yet ..... here is the new armory class file ... this should get armory sync to work...

(4.31 KiB) Downloaded 389 times
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