Roster/uniadmin => update.php

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Roster/uniadmin => update.php

Postby teotaker » Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:58 am

Hi Roster forum team,

Here I come, I've recently installed Roster, Uniadmin, Uniuploader and the required addons "CaracterProfiler et GuildProfiler".

All installations was perfectly did with no problems.

Everything works fine except i can use Auto-update function. I have to do it manually.

Indeed, after read all tutorials and set as I do my Website including Roster/Uniadmin, i was supposed to get a "update.php" file in my roster directory on FTP space in order to link Uniadmin and Roster to auto update and set in my Uniadmin Panel.

But the fact is i don't any "update.php" in my root roster directory...

So i was wondered myself why it doesn't exist. I tried to redo all instalations but always the same issue. "update.php" won't be created.

My questions are:
It supposed to be created automatically?

Do i To create it myself? If yes, what am i supposed to write in as php commands?

I guess it's the main reason why i can't use auto-update function to get all my guildes updated each day.

Please i'm begging you, i lost too much hairs to resolve this problem...

Thanks for help Regards Teotaker.

PS: Sorry my clumsy english, i am french.
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Re: Roster/uniadmin => update.php

Postby Nefuh » Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:39 pm

Hey teotaker,

if you use WoWRoster Version 2.0.2 and higher, try to use the URL

in UniUploader.

As far as I know the update.php existed only in the roster versions 1.7.3 and below.
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Re: Roster/uniadmin => update.php

Postby teotaker » Wed Jan 27, 2010 2:08 pm

OH MY GOD!!! It works It's wonderful, You are my god!!!

Since 3 days i was becoming crazy ant totally upset. :bash:

I have to say thank you, i did the most hard stuffs and i was stucked just about that it's so embarassing :oops:

Thank you very much.
Last edited by teotaker on Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Roster/uniadmin => update.php

Postby PleegWat » Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:57 pm

Yes, the URL was changed to 'index.php?p=update' with 2.0. However, 'update.php' or 'update.html' will also work if your server has mod_rewrite enabled.
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Re: Roster/uniadmin => update.php

Postby GemDog » Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:38 pm

quick question

I started using the uniadmin and UU it is working fine for me but 2 of my menbers helping me test it cant not use it??

it says it is connecting all goes well, i ask what was in the server response tab?? and there was the normal message pri. url with a lot of garbage and referances to html and w3c was quoted to me. i will get the cut and past from them today it was early am yesterday or today lol depends on how you look at

anyway any ideas? theirs is set up Exactly as mine window for window check box for check box. had them purge old CP file turn it off go back into the game play with the bank grab quest... log out to desk top and try again... no fire! for the life of i cant understand this one.

as i said identical settings mine machine and 2 of theirs, i work they dont?

talk to you soon
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Re: Roster/uniadmin => update.php

Postby zanix » Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:05 pm

Attach txt files of the server response tab
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Re: Roster/uniadmin => update.php

Postby GemDog » Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:16 am

ok well here you we the first bit is computer 1 main account.
<!-- ############ Uploading to Primary URL...
############ ... p?p=update -->

Parsing files
Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0 seconds
Processing Files

Data to be inserted into SavedVariables.lua will be displayed here.

The above though similar to mine did not parse a thing 0 sec.

now his wife machine is being rebuilt so we thought of doing her acct and one other, and well here is all the gobbity gook i spoke about, i had to pasete it as code the attachment was telling me Error Attack Vector bla bla, but as you can see when she said we would here till 10am reading this to you she wasnt kidding.. :scratch: its almost like the info was bouncing back at them. so the pasted code, well it is the same or close to the same on here computer, the machines main account parse 0 sec, acct 2 and 3 pasted code, and the comp2 owner acct 2 on the main computer said it looked the same on hers we will find out in a few more hrs when its done berthing a new mother board and hard drive... might be fine..we will see then.

for now anyway any ideas? keep in mind we walked thru on the phone and in vent several times, line for line chk box for chk box even un/reinstall 3 or 4 times
ok so i just glanced over all that myself and it looks to me to be the "roster" it's self echoed back then at the bottom it parsed the acct. in .06 sec. but when i go to the site no change.

UU replaces CP/GP correct? and should the Armory Sync be on any more since using UU?

and BTW Gems worked i logged in moved items from bank to bag logged out, loaded roster and saw the change ;-) so i can confirm it works well.

EDIT2:743pm Est
The addons list Updated for both computers but the roster is the issue right now.

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!-- ############ Uploading to Primary URL...
############ ... p?p=update -->

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<div class="header_text sredborder">Addon Error</div>
<div align="center"><b>Insufficient credentials to access [siggen]</b></div>
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</html>Parsing files
Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.06 seconds
Processing Files
Could not find Guild. GuildProfiler Addon not installed correctly?
Character Hawgel @ US-Scarlet Crusade not accepted
Character Finnagan @ US-Scarlet Crusade not accepted
Updating Character Data for [Ballpython@US-Scarlet Crusade]
About to update player
Updating Equipment ...................
Updating Inventory : Bag5 : Bag4 : Bag0 : Bag1 : Bag2 : Bag3
No Bank Data
No New Mail
No Skill Data
No Recipe Data
No Spellbook Data
No Talents Data
No Reputation Data
No Quest Data
Updating Buffs: 3
InstanceKeys - Keycache cleaned - 0 gold stages activated - 1 item stages activated - 0 quest stages activated - 0 reputation stages activated - 0 skill stages activated
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GemDog Apprentice Apprentice
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Re: Roster/uniadmin => update.php

Postby zanix » Tue Feb 09, 2010 3:33 am

UU does not replace GP/CP
UU uploads data from GP and CP

GP/CP is always the preferred method for data in Roster, Armory Sync is a close second
Armory Sync can still be used along with GP/CP

It looks like UU is trying to access index.php?p=util-siggen-avatar for some reason
But the weird part is that the upload response is at the bottom
Parsing files
Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.06 seconds

Remember only 1 or 2 people should have GP, it's only needed to update the member list and guild vault items
Also, the Roster password is only needed for GP uploading (by default)
Anyone else can use CP, and if you set password access for this, then they need the password as well (probably only the guild password)
Read the Forum Rules, the WiKi, and Search before posting!
WoWRoster v2.1 - SigGen v0.3.3.523 - WoWRosterDF
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Re: Roster/uniadmin => update.php

Postby GemDog » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:47 am

ok i got it working and updating. i put CP in the UA and made it required once that was done it worked ok but he is still getting the garbage in the rest of his file.

oh and he is an officer thats why GP was there he turned it off. still weird stuff.

I am waiting for his wife to get out of a run and she will, sync to get the new CP, log in make sure its on, do some banking move stuff to bags, log out all the way and upload the SV and I will let you know. oh and no new drive for some reason or another, no biggie she is happy it fast as hell! :glad:
OMG I got it i went throught it several times with her and her husband, it turns out :rofl: the box for the URL's when you paste to them dont show the entire paste and she had ......."w/o "" at the end of the URL :bash: it works now and i for got to ask her to check the server response tab i was just happy to get it to work :rabbit: still getting the error below in the game.
talk to again soon.

Thanks zanix

will their be a toc change for these soon?

almost forgot i get this error and a few others now with the new version of CP, their was also another one i dismissed it... :bash: ill get it for ya next time... i did a purge and no love from it, said it again reloading ui during a run ported to dalran and went to bank, hence the post
Date: 2010-02-08 23:34:18
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: WTF\Account\DKOREDDOGNJ\SavedVariables.lua line 6:
'=' expected near 'files'
[C]: ?

EDIT:1:15am EST
Cleared all mods
loaded just CP/CP stubby and swatter both come with Auctioneer
Date: 2010-02-09 01:12:18
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: WTF\Account\DKOREDDOGNJ\SavedVariables.lua line 6:
'=' expected near 'files'
[C]: ?
Swatter, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
CharacterProfiler, v3.1.0
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.130
GuildProfiler, v3.1.0
Stubby, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v3.3.2.30300 <us>

then i get this on log out
Date: 2010-02-09 01:18:00
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\rpgo.lib.lua line 237:
attempt to concatenate local 'tmpbuff' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
(tail call): ?
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:1556: GetAttackRating()
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:1494: GetStats()
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:1775: GetEquipment()
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:480: UpdateProfile()
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:104: ?()
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:336: EventHandler()
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:944: Logout()
[string "*:OnClick"]:2:
[string "*:OnClick"]:1
Swatter, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
CharacterProfiler, v3.1.0
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.130
GuildProfiler, v3.1.0
Stubby, v5.7.4568 (KillerKoala)
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v3.3.2.30300 <us>

Idaknow boss

Edit:2/16/10 4pm Est
Well the errors for me are gone, using the new svn and losing the rep data, posted elsewhere and answered...thank you.
My new question is i have a user with vista and UU is giving him a hard time, it would not keep the data, ie. the URL's kept going back to the orig. yet he still had the addons list... he did have curse client installed and removed it all he thinks :scratch: i will hear from him today and update here with reply or edit.
Q. is there a vista issue?
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GemDog Apprentice Apprentice
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