WoWRoster v2.1 Beta SVN [2320]

Posts from previous Beta sessions

WoWRoster v2.1 Beta SVN [2320]

Postby zanix » Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:37 pm

WoWRoster 2.1 Beta SVN[2320]

Yes, it is the time you all have been waiting for...
The WoWRoster 2.1 public beta!

Why 2.1?
This is more of a prettyness update than anything else. We have been hard at work in developing a new look for WoWRoster and we hope you will like it.
Of course, that is not all, we have a number of fixes and other enhancements as well.
There have also been a few changes for Cataclysm and WoWRoster has been updated to handle the changes.

CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler :arrow: WoWRoster-Profiler
Calvin has not updated his addons in a quite some time so Ulminia took it upon himself to create new addons to replace them.
You can find WoWRoster-Profiler in this post

Beta Testing Guidelines
Follow the guidelines or DIE!
Or just perhaps mortally wounded...

Updates and Changes
Please look at the WoWRoster SVN Commit Log for the day-to-day changes
Look at the Change Log on the WiKi for the more important changes (updated whenever I can get to it)
And check out the WiKi for other information

We will be implementing semi-weekly builds in the form of updates via RosterDiag and a full download in this topic.
Or for advanced users, update via the svn

This beta will upgrade WoWRoster back from version 2.0.0 and will be upgradable to the final release.
(This is subject to change. If something drastic needs to be fixed or changed, then we may need to break upgrades in beta)

Please create a new thread in this forum for any bugs encountered, code snipits to help out, suggestions, or help with addons.

As always, we would like this release to be as stable as possible.
So give this a thorough workout and post your feedback.

NOTE: Current WoWRoster v2.0 addons *should* work with v2.1 as there have been only minor changes to the addon framework.
If there are issues, please make a new topic in the BETA Files form.

Download Away!
Previous stats:
SVN [2258]
  • tar.gz - Downloaded 70 times
  • zip - Downloaded 269 times
WoWRoster v2.1 SVN[2320]
(4.42 MiB) Downloaded 592 times
WoWRoster v2.1 SVN[2320]
(4.02 MiB) Downloaded 457 times
Read the Forum Rules, the WiKi, and Search before posting!
WoWRoster v2.1 - SigGen v0.3.3.523 - WoWRosterDF
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Re: WoWRoster v2.1 Beta SVN [2258]

Postby zanix » Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:21 am

Build svn[2258]
Changes since svn[2251]

Want the Update?
  • Check Roster Diag to get the newest build
  • Or download the files in the first post
  • Or for advanced users, update via the svn
Before you make a post, please make sure you look at RosterDiag to make sure none of your files are out of date.
And remember to get your version number at the bottom of a Roster page.

r2258 | c.treyce | 2011-01-11 17:14:01 -0600 (Tue, 11 Jan 2011) | 1 line

Roster Trunk: - Updating version information for Beta Push
r2257 | c.treyce | 2011-01-08 15:21:32 -0600 (Sat, 08 Jan 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- [fix] Out of date message for character data used the wrong variable
- Added a bit more explanation for guild/character rejection message when rejected by upload rules
r2256 | ulminia | 2011-01-08 12:49:47 -0600 (Sat, 08 Jan 2011) | 5 lines

Roster Trunk:
- localization
-- Updated for new error codes with profile and guild uploads
- Update.lib.php
-- coding updates for error checks in guild and char dates now shoes when scanned and stored..
r2255 | c.treyce | 2011-01-07 03:49:33 -0600 (Fri, 07 Jan 2011) | 4 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Removed unneeded new tooltip function
- Adjusted talent tooltips to use "pass through" option in makeOverlib()
- Added hover effect for "greyed out" icons in all but IE
r2254 | c.treyce | 2011-01-07 03:22:31 -0600 (Fri, 07 Jan 2011) | 6 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Added borders to char info profile talent spec and profession icons
- Fixed realmstatus
-- Doesn't pick the default roster realm and region
-- Image mode works again
-- Simplified code for new rss feed
r2253 | ulminia | 2011-01-07 03:19:28 -0600 (Fri, 07 Jan 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- info/inc/char.lib.php - new tooltip class for talents
- lib/functions.lib.php - new cleanTToltip for talents...
r2252 | ulminia | 2011-01-07 02:43:14 -0600 (Fri, 07 Jan 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- info/inc/char.lib.php - talents showing properly not coloring any more...
Read the Forum Rules, the WiKi, and Search before posting!
WoWRoster v2.1 - SigGen v0.3.3.523 - WoWRosterDF
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Admin Dev Team Dev Team
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UA/UU Developer
Posts: 5546
Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:29 am
Location: Idaho Falls, Idaho
Realm: Doomhammer (PvE) - US

Re: WoWRoster v2.1 Beta SVN [2320]

Postby Ulminia » Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:36 pm

Build svn[2320]
Changes since svn[2258]

Want the Update?
  • Check Roster Diag to get the newest build
  • Or download the files in the first post
  • Or for advanced users, update via the svn
Before you make a post, please make sure you look at RosterDiag to make sure none of your files are out of date.
And remember to get your version number at the bottom of a Roster page.

r2320 | c.treyce | 2011-04-13 11:20:39 -0500 (Wed, 13 Apr 2011) | 1 line

Roster Trunk: - Updating version information for Beta Push
r2319 | ulminia | 2011-04-13 11:11:19 -0500 (Wed, 13 Apr 2011) | 4 lines

roster trunk
guild info changes
fixed installer now removes config zanix...
added guild ranks to graph bars
r2318 | ulminia | 2011-04-06 20:59:43 -0500 (Wed, 06 Apr 2011) | 2 lines

roster trunk
update file upload error handler uses defined now
r2317 | ulminia | 2011-04-06 19:40:35 -0500 (Wed, 06 Apr 2011) | 2 lines

roster trunk
rule 4 set local and realm var in new url insted of us zangarmarsh
r2316 | ulminia | 2011-04-06 19:26:27 -0500 (Wed, 06 Apr 2011) | 2 lines

roster trunk
realmstatus now using json
r2315 | ulminia | 2011-04-06 12:36:55 -0500 (Wed, 06 Apr 2011) | 3 lines

roster trunk
rs broke made my own rs files stored on
minor update changes
r2314 | c.treyce | 2011-04-04 22:35:16 -0500 (Mon, 04 Apr 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Realmstatus, fix for 'no status'
r2313 | ulminia | 2011-04-02 23:15:53 -0500 (Sat, 02 Apr 2011) | 2 lines

roster trunk
beena cuple days some query fixes and improvements..
r2312 | c.treyce | 2011-03-26 16:41:38 -0500 (Sat, 26 Mar 2011) | 5 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Maybe a fix for incorrect time stamps in Roster Diag
- Removed tooltip coloring for differences, you can't read them
- Made full wrap tooltips, to fit all information that should be on one line, in one line
- Version Match needs work...
r2311 | c.treyce | 2011-03-26 00:27:13 -0500 (Sat, 26 Mar 2011) | 4 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Changed CharacterProfiler and GiuldProfiler references and links to WR-Profiler and WR-GuildProfiler
- Roster no longer accepts characterprofiler.lua
- Added the ability to use $roster->set_message() in upgrade
r2310 | ulminia | 2011-03-22 20:53:02 -0500 (Tue, 22 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

roster trunk version push
- allmost broke it there for a min
r2309 | ulminia | 2011-03-22 20:51:15 -0500 (Tue, 22 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

roster trunk version push
- changes to reagents
r2308 | ulminia | 2011-03-22 20:11:40 -0500 (Tue, 22 Mar 2011) | 7 lines

Roster Trunk
-- added checks for recipes if theya re in the dp we dont add them agian any more
-- added check for reagents .. we no longer delete a members reagents zanix this is for global db we dont need dubbles...
-- now stored data agian ... i needed a slap...
r2307 | c.treyce | 2011-03-22 19:01:09 -0500 (Tue, 22 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- apparently there needs to be an offline image for realmstatus
r2306 | ulminia | 2011-03-22 04:33:33 -0500 (Tue, 22 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

Info Addon
-fixed talent export now using wowhead til wow gets there u pa nd going.
r2305 | ulminia | 2011-03-22 00:39:08 -0500 (Tue, 22 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

- update_hook checks should not error any more if no info in the sv file
r2304 | c.treyce | 2011-03-21 18:57:44 -0500 (Mon, 21 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- header login box is now inline
r2303 | c.treyce | 2011-03-21 01:31:42 -0500 (Mon, 21 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- forgot background.png image for realmstatus
r2302 | c.treyce | 2011-03-19 11:50:59 -0500 (Sat, 19 Mar 2011) | 10 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Fixed php errors, missing edit and add news buttons on news addon
- New realmstatus design!
-- It's now in the header
- Fixed anchor issue
- Fixed anchor issue with realm scope, missing break; for switch
- Changed alt indication in char-info
-- An icon appears next to the character name if they belong to/or have alts
-- Hovering over the icon shows a tooltip
-- clicking the icon allows you to click the links in the tooltip
r2301 | c.treyce | 2011-03-18 23:15:59 -0500 (Fri, 18 Mar 2011) | 9 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Added search box in the header
- New style for login box in the header, new search box uses the same style
- New style for text input boxes, has rounded edges in FF, Chrome, IE9
- Changed admin- change password look
- char-info checks if there is character data, and dies if there is none
- Removed login display code from lib/login.php and into template files
- Fixed double border on button sets
- Widened a couple of text fields in RosterCP
r2300 | c.treyce | 2011-03-18 00:23:33 -0500 (Fri, 18 Mar 2011) | 15 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Removed the rest of the menu config items
- Added config for login, search, and locale boxes in header under Display settings
- Added display of realmstatus, not in a good position yet
- Changed realmstatus timestamp to a real unix timestamp
- Merged Realm Status display and type into one config item
- Remoave menuleft, menuright, makepanel, make realmstatus code from menu
- Added makerealmstatus code in functions.lib.php
- Fixed include path for guildinfo bargraph images
- Re-added footer text for class and image lists in text mode for guildinfo
- Added new parameters for makelink()
-- $anchor: (bool) allows you to disable the anchor tag in the link
-- $ext: (string) allows you to change the url extension for the link, default is html
- Changed tooltip building from string concatenate to an array, should remove extra br tags
- Added back to roster button after upgrade
r2299 | ulminia | 2011-03-16 23:39:26 -0500 (Wed, 16 Mar 2011) | 5 lines

Roster Trunk:
- GuildInfo
-- moved bargraph gen file
- Realm Status
-- new images used roster gd now..
r2298 | c.treyce | 2011-03-15 20:16:54 -0500 (Tue, 15 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Oops, I commented out the professions on the profile page
r2297 | c.treyce | 2011-03-15 01:44:58 -0500 (Tue, 15 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Fix error in guild info on lua upload
r2296 | c.treyce | 2011-03-13 22:50:46 -0500 (Sun, 13 Mar 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Added icon to skill tab in char info
- Fix second level reputation description text
r2295 | c.treyce | 2011-03-13 22:28:16 -0500 (Sun, 13 Mar 2011) | 6 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Members List
-- Changed talent spec icons, both specs show in tooltip, main spec shows in list
-- Fixed missing profession icons
-- Changed player tooltip, using localized word for 'level', removed : when player has no guild rank, removed 'in zone' when 'zone' is missing, removed last online if that is missing
- Copied paladinretribution spec icon to paladincombat since wow seems to call retribution combat...weird
r2294 | ulminia | 2011-03-07 15:04:45 -0600 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- GuildInfo
-- number arrays fixed all mods should display proper info now
r2293 | ulminia | 2011-03-06 17:54:24 -0600 (Sun, 06 Mar 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- GuildInfo
-- round functions ligamitheric or what ever should work...
r2292 | c.treyce | 2011-03-06 03:47:16 -0600 (Sun, 06 Mar 2011) | 12 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Removed menu graphs to the guild info addon
- Added bar graph configuration to guild info
- Improved the rendering of the graph images
-- Changed passing of data from GET variables to JSON
-- Made it look just a bit prettier
- Adjusted the look of the data rows in guild info
- cleaned update hook for guild info
- Added Roster config functions for addon config use
- Added Roster GD library using functions from my "always in development" next gen siggen
-- Guild Info graphs uses this library
-- Will probably change motd and realmstatus to use this library
r2291 | c.treyce | 2011-03-05 13:01:17 -0600 (Sat, 05 Mar 2011) | 4 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Added png versions of coin icons
- Changed all of Roster to use them
- Added money in currency tab in char-info
r2290 | ulminia | 2011-03-04 23:13:27 -0600 (Fri, 04 Mar 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- gi
-- its pritier...
r2289 | ulminia | 2011-03-04 22:07:22 -0600 (Fri, 04 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- moved bar code to gi addon redisabled old menu config
r2288 | ulminia | 2011-03-04 21:27:13 -0600 (Fri, 04 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- moved the new bargraph to the gi addon replaced old file
r2287 | ulminia | 2011-03-04 21:01:01 -0600 (Fri, 04 Mar 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- changes to the side menu bars for lvl and class... graph changes only...
r2286 | c.treyce | 2011-02-27 22:29:00 -0600 (Sun, 27 Feb 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Uhm, formatting?
r2285 | c.treyce | 2011-02-27 17:23:18 -0600 (Sun, 27 Feb 2011) | 4 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Changed the tooltips a bit
-- Removed opacity javascript, now using a transparent png background image
-- Changed the bordering, it's round in ie9, chrome, and firefox
r2284 | c.treyce | 2011-02-27 15:28:11 -0600 (Sun, 27 Feb 2011) | 5 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Adjusted pets tab in char-info
-- Added mask to pet icons
-- Changed the style a bit to match the other character tabs
- Changed reputation info text to only show when hovering a ? icon
r2283 | ulminia | 2011-02-25 13:27:27 -0600 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- info/inc/char.lib.php
-- added check for no reagents wow no more errors...
r2282 | c.treyce | 2011-02-23 23:59:18 -0600 (Wed, 23 Feb 2011) | 10 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Changed get_scope_data() to not die when data is not found
-- Instead, the scope and anchor are set to the util scope
-- Some addons will need to add some additional checks for data
- Changed function die_quietly() to only print a border is there is information to print
- Changed when the database is closed in die_quietly() and roster_die()
- Changed detection of invalid addon url characters a bit sooner
- Localized a couple of strings
- Added text shadowing to realmstatus in text mode (yay for css3 text-shadow!)
- Added styling for H1 and H2 html tags
r2281 | c.treyce | 2011-02-23 01:44:14 -0600 (Wed, 23 Feb 2011) | 4 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Fixed a couple of messages
- Collapsible sections in RosterCP had incorrect images
- Search entry is now hidden after you hit search
r2280 | c.treyce | 2011-02-23 01:05:13 -0600 (Wed, 23 Feb 2011) | 9 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Added a message when the default page is set in addon management
- News
-- Fixed no news message placement
- Menu Config
-- Adjusted sort and unused boxes
-- Fixed 'add menu button'
--- Now has icon when added
-- Added help for adding menu buttons
r2279 | c.treyce | 2011-02-22 19:52:37 -0600 (Tue, 22 Feb 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Bump the ver cuz I gotta!
r2278 | c.treyce | 2011-02-22 19:46:17 -0600 (Tue, 22 Feb 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Fixed update to detect uniuploader user agent
-- Fix preg_match to be case insensitive
r2277 | c.treyce | 2011-02-21 00:49:46 -0600 (Mon, 21 Feb 2011) | 10 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Updated the look of News addon to match the new theme
- Updated to use the Roster Message system
- Updated border functions in theme.php
-- Commented out old method, so it's still there just in case
- Removed slidedown effect for Roster Message notification
- Replaced two locale strings I removed
- Changes to menu config, themed up the side menus, sections names are real names
- Fixed bug in install guide
- changed link colors
r2276 | c.treyce | 2011-02-19 04:29:49 -0600 (Sat, 19 Feb 2011) | 13 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Changed a bunch of Roster to use a new centralized messaging system
- $roster->set_message($text, $title, $type)
-- $text - the body of the message
-- $title (optional) The title of the message
-- $type (optional) the type of the message, currently two types 'status' 'error'
- Killed Bob, changed Armory data to use the db layer build_query(0 function instead of a bit of the update.lib.php class
- Adjusted tables to center in change password page
- Fixed bug for adding upload rules, validator was only checking one field for emptyness
- Changed RosterConfig Lib to only output a page table layout if there is more than one column
- Setup Guide now saves upload rule on submit when you screw up the entry
- Hiding eempty headers in RosterCP

r2275 | c.treyce | 2011-02-16 00:48:04 -0600 (Wed, 16 Feb 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Roster CP -> Member List buttons fix for IE
r2274 | c.treyce | 2011-02-16 00:14:12 -0600 (Wed, 16 Feb 2011) | 10 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Simplified guild info html, code, and layout
-- Added enUS locale strings to other locales
--- If you have other locales, you MUST duplicate the strings or Roster will have a fit
- Added Guild Vault tabs
- Abstracted css and style for tabs found in char-info (ones with the black background)
- Added jQuery DOM ready function to all activations of tabcontent
- Added overlib opacity script to script.js
- Added overlib div element to footer.html
- Added .left class styles for inside tier-1-title and tier-2-title classes
r2273 | c.treyce | 2011-02-15 00:51:10 -0600 (Tue, 15 Feb 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Prettyness update for RosterCP
-- Left pieces of the old look just in case something breaks
r2272 | c.treyce | 2011-02-14 23:41:43 -0600 (Mon, 14 Feb 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Fixed 0px width select boxes in RosterCP
- Moved submit buttons in RosterCP
r2271 | c.treyce | 2011-02-14 23:03:49 -0600 (Mon, 14 Feb 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Added back old color picker script
- Adjusted vault item search select box
r2270 | c.treyce | 2011-02-14 21:14:20 -0600 (Mon, 14 Feb 2011) | 6 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Added check for select boxes
-- class="no-style" will not style the select boxes
- Beginning to re-add old color picker javascript
- Removed extra javascript in guild-info
- Removed border around Roster Logo
r2269 | c.treyce | 2011-02-13 22:52:17 -0600 (Sun, 13 Feb 2011) | 2 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Changed help text to a help icon in RosterCP
r2268 | c.treyce | 2011-02-13 22:04:07 -0600 (Sun, 13 Feb 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Updated update log response in RosterCP -> data management and Members List update relations
- Menu buttons have overflow:hidden; just in case text is longer than the button can hold
r2267 | c.treyce | 2011-02-13 20:19:23 -0600 (Sun, 13 Feb 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- Theme updates for RosterDiag
- Added some locale strings for RosterDiag
r2266 | ulminia | 2011-01-30 19:35:03 -0600 (Sun, 30 Jan 2011) | 7 lines

Roster Trunk:
- guild info updates
-- theme changes
-- added new row image images/news-bg.jpg
-- style changes
-- added tabs!

r2265 | ulminia | 2011-01-19 23:18:41 -0600 (Wed, 19 Jan 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- guild info updates data now used from db not preset

r2264 | ulminia | 2011-01-16 17:05:07 -0600 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- guild info updates data now used from db not preset

r2263 | ulminia | 2011-01-16 17:02:16 -0600 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- guild info updates data now used from db not preset

r2262 | ulminia | 2011-01-16 16:36:07 -0600 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 5 lines

Roster Trunk:
- version number changes force upgrade
-- db changes guild xp and lvl info added
-- locals fixed
- update.lib.php updated for guild info
r2261 | ulminia | 2011-01-16 11:35:18 -0600 (Sun, 16 Jan 2011) | 6 lines

Roster Trunk:
- localization
-- updated for Heroic in tooltips
-- *added prismatic gems
- item.php
-- coding updated to match heroic
r2260 | ulminia | 2011-01-14 14:53:00 -0600 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 3 lines

Roster Trunk:
- item.php
-- 1103 changed added \b exact match determinate
r2259 | ulminia | 2011-01-14 14:37:55 -0600 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011) | 5 lines

Roster Trunk:
- localization
-- updated for Heroic in tooltips
- item.php
-- coding updated to match heroic
Ulminia of Zangarmarsh
Zonous of Zangarmarsh
Author of Roster Gallery
WoWRoster-Profiler Redesigner
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Ulminia Dev Team Dev Team
Roster AddOn Dev
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Posts: 1223
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