No characterprofiler.lua

The character stats and items data collector

No characterprofiler.lua

Postby harmclan » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:40 pm

Alright so I successfully installed roster to my web server. I downloaded the latest rpgo-characterprofiler-v3.3 and rgpo-guildprofiler-v3.3 from I logged on to my main character, opened up my bank, professions, and hit save on my character profile. I also opened up the guild tab and hit save. When I exited the game and navigated over to my saved variable folder (WTF/Account/MyAccountName/SavedVariables), there was no characterprofiler.lua. I then tried to do /cp export and /gp export in game, exited, and same results (or lack thereof lol). Both times I got the messages about guild members, accounts, and the information on my character.

I'm running windows 7 in 64 bit mode (I did manually copy my WoW folder over to this OS. It's in :C/Program Files)
Is it possible that missing registry files are creating my problem or have I neglected a step?
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Re: No characterprofiler.lua

Postby harmclan » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:49 pm

Ok for anyone else who might be having this issue, I have found the solution. After moving my game directory from C:/Program Files to C:/Games and running the reg file attached to this post, it is now properly saving my characterprofiler.lua file :)
harmclan Apprentice Apprentice
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Re: No characterprofiler.lua

Postby harmclan » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:52 pm

Since it would not allow me to upload .reg files, here is what you need to do:

Open up notepad and copy and paste this code inside:

Code: Select all
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft]
"InstallPath"="C:\\Games\\World of Warcraft"
"GamePath"="C:\\Games\\World of Warcraft\\Launcher.exe"
"UninstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Blizzard Entertainment\\World of Warcraft\\Uninstall.exe"

Save it as run.reg, and then double click it. That should do it!
harmclan Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 6
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