CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues


Postby gksaint » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:11 am

I am getting really frustrated and wondering if i am doing something wrong with my wowroster...
I have done the INSTALL correctly i assume because the Install completed...it had me upload my conf.php file and i also deleted the install folder and the install.php and the update.php files from the */roster directory. I can visit my roster at http://empireofknights.netne.net/roster But the problem i am having is....i installed the Characterprofiler and the Guildprofiler and PVPLOG addons to my addons folder in WoW and then logged into WOW and made sure that WoW was recognizing the addons which it was....then i logged into my character and pressed "O" and noticed the "Save" button. I saw in the chat where it says Guild created 143 players, 104 accounts. I also opened the guild bank, Achievements, ect. which i dont think i really needed to. Then for fail safe i typed in the following commands /cp force and /gp force

I then moved back to the guild roster and where it tells me:
Could not find guild: 'Empire of Knights' for server 'Galakrond'
You need to load your guild first and make sure you finished configuration

So i click on Load and browse to both my PVPLOG.lua and also my CharacterProfile.lua and put in my password.
I then get a message on the bottom:
Parsing files

Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.06 seconds
Parsed PvPLog in 0.2 seconds

then it goes to the menu... I then went to Roster Config: Guild Config to make sure my guild name and realm is in correctly which i assume it is.

I have Guild name: Empire of Knights Server name: Galakrond and Server type: PvE

I then click Save and click on Roster on the main menu and it Goes back to

Could not find guild: 'Empire of Knights' for server 'Galakrond'
You need to load your guild first and make sure you finished configuration

SQL Queries
SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `roster_config` ORDER BY `id` ASC;
SELECT * FROM `roster_guild` WHERE `guild_name` = 'Empire of Knights' AND `server` = 'Galakrond'

So now I am back where i first started and am very frustrated. Its a wonderful Webtool and look forward to using it if i could get it to work.
I dunno if i need to upload my guildprofiler.lua file somewhere on my FTP..... or if there is ANOTHER addon that i may need or maybe a setting under my wowroster on my website.

Any HELP would be greatly appreciated and i have looked through forums and relooked through the install.txt files to see if i "MISSED" something and still cant firgure it out. Im glad i got it THIS far, but hope i can FINISH it.

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Postby Ulminia » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:51 pm

server type is ither US or EU depending on us server or oscianic...
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Postby PleegWat » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:17 pm

Were those parse times the only thing output when you uploaded the files? There should be at least one line for each guild/character for which CharacterProfiler.lua contains data.
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Postby gksaint » Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:36 am

Yes all it says is Parsing and the seconds....to that other post... am i supposed to have my Realm name as Galakrond, or US-Galakrond?

Im kinda confused what the first guy was talking about.

Also....am i supposed to upload the guildprofiler.lua file somewhere? Do i have to upload to my HOST?
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Postby tuigii » Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:10 am

gksaint wrote:Im kinda confused what the first guy was talking about.
Also....am i supposed to upload the guildprofiler.lua file somewhere? Do i have to upload to my HOST?

First of all : why (on earth) using version 1.7.3 ??? I imagine that this version (used way back when WoW uses its 20xxx versions - today we have 30300)
Update heure : http://empireofknights.netne.net/roster/update.php - and never ever upload guildprofiler.lua (to be sure : look at it, open it up - and understand : it's empty, so ...).
Anyway, you might throw guildprofiler.lua, it just won't get parsed anyway.

Install 2.0.2 (like http://www.papy-team.fr/roster/) and report back :roll:
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Postby zanix » Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:55 pm

Yeah, I don't think v1.7.3 can take uploads from CP anymore
I would install v2.0.2

Also, here is a guide to get Roster up and running

And then your first upload of data to Roster
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Postby gksaint » Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:26 pm

tuigii wrote:First of all : why (on earth) using version 1.7.3 ??? I imagine that this version (used way back when WoW uses its 20xxx versions - today we have 30300)
Update heure : http://empireofknights.netne.net/roster/update.php - and never ever upload guildprofiler.lua (to be sure : look at it, open it up - and understand : it's empty, so ...).
Anyway, you might throw guildprofiler.lua, it just won't get parsed anyway.

Install 2.0.2 (like http://www.papy-team.fr/roster/) and report back :roll:

Well first off....you dont need to be rude about it. i came to the FORUMS because i was having issues...
I do understand what you guys' are talking about with v1.7.3 now. But i do wanna say this.... v1.7.3 is an OBVIOUS DOWNLOAD in the download section and if it is NOT SUPPORTED anymore then why have it as a download. I figured it was a simplified version of v2.0.2. Hence why i INSTALLED it. Now that i know that you HAVE to have v2.0.2 I will make a new INSTALL with the new version.

So with the Guildprofiler ADDON for WoW you would UNINSTALL IT? and just run CharacterProfiler and PVPLog? Then i should be all good?
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Postby zanix » Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:35 am

Sorry for any confusion, 1.7.3 is in the download section for those that wish to download the old code. We keep it there because while we don't support older versions, we do get asked for them and still offer them to download. If our download section was working like our old downloads section, then this wouldn't have been a problem because it would have a description along with the download.

GuildProfiler is required to upload a member list to Roster, and is only required by one member.
The data from GP is stored in CharacterProfiler, so only that file needs to be uploaded.

PvPLog is optional, it tracks PvP kill/win statistics.
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Postby zanix » Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:37 am

If you have any other issues, I will try to help as best I can.
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Postby gksaint » Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:19 am

Thanx so much guys! I am doing a fresh install Right now and hopefully wont have any issues...i will respond to let you know how it went.
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Postby gksaint » Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:40 am

Everything went GREAT! no more issues....the only thing though is for some reason my HOST will only allow so much MB in a PHP so that i cant completely UPLOAD all my /Interface/Icons.... theres like 5000 files in that mofo... LOL but other then that i was able to load the rest of the Interface Folders so now the Roster looks pretty decent. I noticed in the Admin CP that the Interface image files is set to /img but wondering if i was able to find a host to load ALL INTERFACE FILES would it be possible to put "http://www.*domainname.com/img/" instead of "img/" so that i could have all the IMG files i need? and the most current interface pack is interface_imagepack_r2_3-0-2a.zip? I just wanna make sure i have the most current IMAGE PACK.

Anyways thanx for ALL the help guys'. Also i wouldnt have known about 1.7.3 unless it wasnt for you guys' 2.0.2 is MUCH nicer.
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Postby zanix » Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:05 pm

Yes, it can take a full URL to the images
I don't think all of the images are in that pack (interface_imagepack_r2_3-0-2a)
Download (interface_imagepack_r2_upgrade_3-0-2a_to_3-2-0.zip) from the downloads section
Plus download this (interface_iocns_3.2-3.3[jpg].zip) -> topic6079.html
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Postby Ulminia » Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:19 pm

maybe i should finish the download section lol
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Postby gksaint » Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:03 am

I uploaded all the Interface Image Files and it looks AWESOME! thanx so much for the help!

One more quick question though.... I noticed that when i visit my roster i CANT just goto

i have to actually point my browser to

to visit my roster....should it be like this? Not like it really bothers me because i just used it as a LINK but it looks AWESOME integreated with my Guildsite.

Check it out!
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Postby tuigii » Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:15 am

gksaint wrote:....
to visit my roster....should it be like this? Not like it really bothers me because i just used it as a LINK but it looks AWESOME integreated with my Guildsite.

Check it out!

This is the way your CMS integrates other "sub-CMS".
I bet the .htaccess file in your root directory is responsable for this.
But : don't touch anything : it looks great the way your roster is integrated right now.
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