UniUploader v2.7.2

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UniUploader v2.7.2

Postby Calystos » Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:18 am

Find attached the latest UU installers. I've already sent these to zanix along with the latest uniuploader_updater2 files as well. So those of you who have the old builds should be getting update available notifications shortly, :)

ChangeLog wrote:UniUploader/Update ChangeLog (in reverse order, newest listed first): Changes:
changed - minor fixes to the enableofficer check system to stop the officer string showing up on members UU app.
added - new HIDEUAURL option to match new UniAdmin toggle which selects (if officer version system is enabled) whether or not non-officers may view the uniadmin shortcut link in the right-click systray popup menu if a UA link is set in the UA site of course. Changes:
changed - minor alignment adjustment to copyright text in about tab.
added - changelog button to about tab to show full changelog.
added - vista/7 admin check system, if UU is not running in admin mode then it will relaunch in admin mode.
added - svn revision code system to update system to match existing UniUploader svn revision code system. Changes:
changed - version number is now due to this being a rather hefty system change, along with all the previous 2.6.9.x changes.
added - new optional Officer mode system. Allowing 2 UniUploader systems to be setup, 1 for all non-Officers, and likewise the other for Officers. This is to allow GLs (Guild Leaders) to setup Officer-Only Required addons via UniAdmin.

Please note that if UU crashes, its possibly not the app atm, it may be due to it trying to get a file that doesn't yet exist on the current uniuploader_updater2 area. Soon as zanix uploads the latest files I sent him that issue will be rectified (keep an eye on your debug log if UU crashes and report this to me thanks).
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Re: UniUploader v2.7.2

Postby zanix » Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:24 am

Now available via auto-update and posted in the download section
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