You may have noticed we are slow on the updates and not much news has come out about WoWRoster, UniUploader, or UniAdmin
It's not because we don't care about this community any more, or that we have moved on to other projects. It's because we just don't have time.
I have been working and attending college both full time for the last 1.5 years, and that leave little to no time to work on WoWRoster.
I can't speak for the other devs, but I do not want to leave this project behind.
Calystos has been working on UniUploader and UniAdmin and is even planning on a complete rewrite of UniUploader since the interface has become overwhelming. UA and UU are also getting support for officer only addons (already supported in the SVN builds).
As for myself, I have many ideas I would like to implement. The downloads section here is non existent since the move and I haven't had time to fix it.
On that note, I want to do something about this problem of having no time to work on our projects here.
I would like to ask if anyone is interested in contributing to our projects in a more official way, please send me a PM.