Anyone who might be able to assist me in using this fine tool with the site Guildomatic ?
I keep getting the frontpage thrown back at me when trying to set it up..
Oops! We can't seem to find the url you typed in. Are you sure it's correct?
Guildomatic Home
zanix wrote:You can find the web=>wow settings here
This could be vastly improved upon, maybe Calystos will make this easier to use some day
Using Uniuploader to Automatically Update Roster
Uniuploader is a client-side program for Windows that many people use to help automate the process of uploading module data files to their web site. The basic idea is that you configure it to point it at the module data file you want to upload, and then you tell it what URL it will upload the file to, and your login info for that URL. Uniuploader will then automatically upload your data file whenever you quit WoW (or whenever you configured it to do so), and thereby (assuming you ran the /gt roster command in-game to update your data file) accordingly update your roster.
This means your roster will be kept up to date automatically and you won't have to manually upload your data file whenever you have guild members come and go. You will still need to upload your module data file manually if you want to upload DKP snapshot and item loot data, since that requires manual review and approval of the data.
More info on the specific steps to get Uniuploader installed and configured:
1. Download UniUploader. We used the version without the installer (just the .exe file).
2. Run Uniuploader. In the Config section, put
Note: make sure you use your actual domain name and not
3. Select your WoW account.
4. Click "Show SVs" at the bottom and make sure Guildomatic is checked.
5. Make sure "Use User/Pass" is checked in the "Upload Access" section.
6. Enter the username and password you use to login on your guild site. It's important that the login credentials you enter here are for a user who has roster administrator permissions on your guild site, else the upload will fail as the user does not have permission to update the roster. More info on setting administrator permissions is available in the Guildomatic Tutorial.
7. Try testing by pressing the "Upload" button at the bottom.
Additional notes and tips if you have trouble getting it working:
* We used (and recommend) "Simple Mode" in Uniuploader to configure things. If you don't use Simple Mode you may need to fiddle with some other settings (see below) to get it to work properly.
* If you're not using Simple Mode, make sure:
1. You have your username and password set.
2. You have compression disabled (under Advanced).
3. You have "Send Password Securely" under "Additional Variables" section under the "Options" tab un-checked.
* Manually double-check the login credentials (username and password) you're entering into Uniuploader to make sure they work when you log in to the web site as well.
* Make sure the user whose login info you're using has roster admin permissions on the guild site. The site owner account always has these permissions, and can grant them to other users as described here.
This is the temporary download section for
Please use this until we get the real download section working.
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