UniUploader v2.6.9 (and other things)...

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UniUploader v2.6.9 (and other things)...

Postby Calystos » Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:41 pm

Okay, been a while since I did much in the way of posting here but I've been really busy irl and had many other ongoing projects. But recently I took the time out to do some hefty work on UniUploader (based on latest/final SVN source), UniAdmin (likewise, latest SVN source), and the Update (ditto) system.

The codes all nearly ready for public release for those who'll wanna use it but here's a quick run down of what I've done over the past few days.

changed - logo system now supports PNG/GIF/JPG image files rather than just GIF
changed - more text labels in the UniUploader are now able to be changed via the languages.ini
added - option to choose to minimize to systray upon clicking Close X button (option to force set in UA)
added - roster/uniadmin URL context menu items (updated through UA)
added - update check button to force request a check to see if a new UniUploader build is available (rather than having to quit and relaunch)
added - ability to select ALL accounts to be uploaded rather than just single ones (option to force set in UA)
added - ability to store the password encrypted in the settings file (option to force set in UA)
added - option to automatically update to latest UniUploader build (option to force set in UA)

added - update.exe now checks the settings.ini file for the current updates URL rather than having it hardcoded
added - automatic launch timer to update.exe system to auto-run new UniUploader builds (30 seconds)

As you can see theres some useful features that I hope you'll all find handy.

Find attached the source code for update.exe which as you can see from my changelog above (the last 2 items apply to update.exe) show it no longer requires to be re-compiled everytime you change the URL to where the new UniUploader updates can be located. And likewise it'll automatically launch the new build as soon as it gets it.

I will of course also upload the source code to UniUploader and as well as the mods for UniAdmin too as soon as I'm done sorting UU out (as well as updated languages.ini as I've added some new items to them, albeit English only for now so once you lot get the file ya can edit it to add the other language items if needed). Which should be another day or two more, :-)

EDIT: Have removed the 2 attachments since they're now in the SVN system.
Last edited by Calystos on Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UniUploader v2.6.9 (and other things)...

Postby zanix » Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:52 am

Sounds good
Would you just like write access to the SVN so you can commit these yourself?
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Re: UniUploader v2.6.9 (and other things)...

Postby Calystos » Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:41 am

If you don't mind then sure. Just remember though, I will work on this but may not be able to update frequently due to rl issues, ;-) Oh and of course if anyone ever does have ideas for updates feel free to post em as the more people post the better we can make things for everyone, :-) One idea am thinking of doing sometime is maybe a re-write of the design layout cos atm its getting a bit crowded lol (you'll see when you try this new build out).

I just found another bug, seems that the new languages.ini doesn't quite work right with UniUploader. It apparently hates spaces in the language names lol (also it hates Unix/Mac encoded files). I've made a note to fix that at some point but atm I've did a quick patch fix which I'll upload sometime today as the new UniUploader seems to be working fine cept for 1 last issue (other than the above 2 items) and thats to do with it seemingly ignoring some options upon startup.

Will try to get these all fixed asap for release today if poss, if not I've made a backup of the existing working version so far, :-)
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Re: UniUploader v2.6.9 (and other things)...

Postby zanix » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:34 am

That's ok, you are already making more updates than Matt is (Zanix ducks for the Salmon flying at him)
The SVN is reversible, so it's ok to commit to it

As for languages, think we could just use XML instead of an INI file?
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Re: UniUploader v2.6.9 (and other things)...

Postby Calystos » Tue Sep 29, 2009 10:39 am

Hmm, don't see why it shouldn't be. I've been working on XML parsers in PHP so I doubt they're that much different for C#.
Specially since the UU system already has XML parsing in it as thats how it gets the Addons list from the UA site.

I'll make a note an look into it after I get this build ready. Got a few people trying it out for me atm and am waiting for their bug reports (hopefully they won't find any, haha).

EDIT: Just a quick update to let you all know the code is almost ready. I had a slight set back over the past 3-4 days due to technical problems with a new motherboard & ram issue but am back on track now. The testers reports are coming back to me and its looking good. Just 1 issue left to sort out and also some basic code clean ups to do but it should all be ready and sorted for release before the weeks out, :-)

Anyone wishing to test (and give feedback!) a compiled binary build please feel free to PM me asap and I'll sort you out the latest build to test and report back to me on any issues or even any comments or ideas/etc.
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Re: UniUploader v2.6.9 (and other things)...

Postby hamunaptra » Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:24 am

When letting the UniUploader run it's update on Windows Vista with UAT activated, it seems to crash all the time. Tried it on two machines, one with Vista x64, one with Vista x32.

Is there a standalone installer available anywhere? Couldn't find it in the download section.


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Re: UniUploader v2.6.9 (and other things)...

Postby Calystos » Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:22 pm

No problem. I'll sort out an installer build of sometime later today. Possibly of .4 since its running okay. And will upload here as an attachment for people.

Bit odd about the update not working right, but it could be to do with the amount of changes occured in either UU or the update.exe system, hmm...

EDIT: Find attached the installer for, enjoy.

Just remember, to enjoy it to its full potential to make sure to update your UniAdmin system to the latest SVN version as well! Changes:
fixed - crash issue when no network access was available, still requires a timer check to auto-detect later but least now no more crashes!
added - guild name custom option to allow GLs (Guild Leaders) to set via UniAdmin an optional Guild Name (or other string) to appear before the UniUploader title area.
added - integration of autoLaunchTimer from update.exe to allow UniAdmin to set how long (in seconds) for the update.exe to auto launch a new UU build.
added - integration of UUTimeOut to allow UniAdmin to set how long for UU to timeout from lack of connection or broken URLs, etc.
added - update.exe now uses custom autoLaunchTimer option stored from UU and set via UA.
added - UU will now also download and update a ChangeLog.txt file for those wishing to keep track of the changes. Changes:
changed - improved the multiple process checker system, now allows to either force-close all other running processes, launch a new process or not launch Changes:
added - checker to detect if another UniUploader is running, if so no point launching a second one Changes:
changed - version detection system now supports both alphanumeric versions (EG 2.6.9a) and also new style full numerical (EG - the better type) versions.
changed - renamed uniVersionRevision to uniVersionBuild and added additional uniVersionRevision item for Major.Minor.Build.Revision versioning to allow for additional revisions of minor changes.

2.6.9 Changes:

changed - logo system now supports PNG/GIF/JPG image files rather than just GIF
changed - pretty much all text labels in the UniUploader are now able to be changed via the languages.ini
changed - version detection system now properly detects for new builds
added - option to choose to minimize to systray upon clicking Close X button (option to force set in UA)
added - roster/uniadmin URL context menu items (updated through UA)
added - update check button to force request a check to see if a new UniUploader build is available (rather than having to quit and relaunch)
added - ability to select ALL accounts to be uploaded rather than just single ones (option to force set in UA)
added - ability to store the password encrypted in the settings file (option to force set in UA)
added - option to automatically update to latest UniUploader build (option to force set in UA)
added - update.exe now checks the settings.ini file for the current updates URL rather than having it hardcoded
added - automatic launch timer to update.exe system to auto-run new UniUploader builds (30 seconds)

Thats the full changelog since I started working on it.
Latest SVN version of UU compiled and added to SVN NSIS installer file.
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