CP 3.1.0 on Curse - WTF?

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CP 3.1.0 on Curse - WTF?

Postby AnthonyB » Thu May 21, 2009 11:46 am

http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addo ... filer.aspx
Updated the TOC. Support for Dual-spec will be coming soon.

Project Updated: 14 hours, 4 minutes ago
Files Updated: Wed, May 20 2009
Supports Game Version: 3.1.0
Category: Data Export
Project Manager: calvin-rpgo
Additional Authors: BobMcKlain
Current Version: v3.1.0

He's also updated GP to 3.1.0 with just a TOC update.
http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addo ... filer.aspx
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Re: CP 3.1.0 on Curse - WTF?

Postby tuigii » Thu May 21, 2009 5:29 pm

It seems to me that its actually Calvin that updated it - after all, many among us are using this addon, and the Curse Client does its job rather well about syncing and updating.
So why explaining to a Guildie : take the Curse client to load "these" addon, WoWMatrix (glup) to load another set, and then install .NET to your XP because it's needed to run UniUpLoader, yet another tools to download more special addons that you can't get on both.

So, thinking about it that way, its a good thing that CP is finally on Curse, being put there by the one that should have done so ages ago :)

The rgpo-GuildProfiler is still the 3.0.0 from 05-2008 - and that's what you call "outdated" - this is the hidden WTF issue because GuildProfiler IS the key to the start-motor of the engine that's needed to keep WoWRoster running.
My private theory : "NEVER run outdated addon in WoW - and bear with new ones that are bugged" is to sever.

Anyway, nothing news here http://www.rpgoutfitter.com/ neither.
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Re: CP 3.1.0 on Curse - WTF?

Postby zanix » Fri May 22, 2009 2:12 am

Yes, this is news to me as well
I would figure calvin would let us know about this
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Re: CP 3.1.0 on Curse - WTF?

Postby wweil46745 » Sun May 24, 2009 3:48 pm

I don't remember calvin ever putting it up on curse.. and that being said, i would not use the one up on curse because i do not think it is Cal that put it up there.. i did not even know cal has an acct with curse.. will find out the hard way.. straight from his mouth

Cal is not the one on it.. it is this Bob McKlain. No clue who he is and to be honest, unless Cal enlisted his help real recently, he is not a member of the RPGO team
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Re: CP 3.1.0 on Curse - WTF?

Postby GemDog » Sun May 24, 2009 5:35 pm

Well, as much as I want to believe they are updated :glad: ... which could be the case... if its not on calvins site rpgooutfiter I wont touch it and told my guildies the same.

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Re: CP 3.1.0 on Curse - WTF?

Postby zanix » Mon May 25, 2009 2:17 am

This is authorized, I received a message from calvin about it

I don't remember calvin ever putting it up on curse.. and that being said, i would not use the one up on curse because i do not think it is Cal that put it up there.. i did not even know cal has an acct with curse.. will find out the hard way.. straight from his mouth

Cal is not the one on it.. it is this Bob McKlain. No clue who he is and to be honest, unless Cal enlisted his help real recently, he is not a member of the RPGO team

I do remember calvin putting Cp and GP on curse, they are on WoWDB as well
Bob McKlain works with calvin IRL and has been pushing calvin to make updates

I'll keep everyone updated on this situation
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Re: CP 3.1.0 on Curse - WTF?

Postby wweil46745 » Mon May 25, 2009 5:40 pm

Thanks for the fast response bud. and I am glad to see its still being worked on. I hope my post and the message it caused did not cause you any probs with cal. our community was my main concern
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