2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby AnthonyB » Sun May 17, 2009 4:48 am

Clicked on "ArmorSync Memberlist" to sync memberlist and got the following error:
Code: Select all
Database Error
1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'guild_id' at row 1
INSERT INTO `roster_addons_guildhistory_guildhistory` (`guild_id`, `id`, `player1`, `type`, `player2`, `time`, `logtime`, `rank`) VALUES ('', '1', '', '', '','1970-01-01 10:00', '1970-01-01 09:00', '')
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby Ulminia » Sun May 17, 2009 6:01 am

um .. not tested on the latest svn current release only
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby AnthonyB » Sun May 17, 2009 11:52 am

This is current release - not latest SVN.
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby Ulminia » Sun May 17, 2009 2:03 pm

odd because i cannot reproduice this error at home ial keep trying...
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby AnthonyB » Sun May 17, 2009 11:17 pm

In case it's relevant (based on the error produced) the field guild_id in my roster_addons_guildhistory_guildhistory table is of type int(11) and Null is No.

So to my mind, the question is, why is AS trying to pass a value of
Code: Select all
into guild_id?
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby Ulminia » Mon May 18, 2009 12:13 am

axualy as is not passing a guild id becaus ethe guild history is not pulled from the armory .. this no data for the addon to to insert .. try disabling the addona nd using as members list with out it and it should work ...
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby AnthonyB » Mon May 18, 2009 12:56 pm

I tried deactivating the GuildHistory addon but still got the same error.

I could try fully uninstalling GuildHistory addon which should fix the error but the GuildHistory data and addon is very important for the guild so I'll have to make a backup of the table first so I can restore it after I re-install the addon.
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby PleegWat » Mon May 18, 2009 1:22 pm

I'd have to check, but I think all deactivation does is disable menu access to the addon; it does not normally disable update triggers. I don't recall why; probably for consistency since there are no activate/deactivate hooks on an addon.
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby AnthonyB » Wed May 20, 2009 8:06 am

OK, thanks to Nefuh who supplied me an update to GuildHistory to allow it to 'pass' when no GuildHistory data is present, I've got to the next error which looks to be an ArmorySync error:

Code: Select all
Database Error
1366: Incorrect string value: '\xE3\xA9sis<...' for column 'log' at row 1
UPDATE `roster_addons_armorysync_jobqueue` SET guild_info="108", starttimeutc="2009-05-20 06:58:10", stoptimeutc="2009-05-20 06:58:29", log="Updating Guild Data for [Order of Assassins@US-Proudmoore]

However, it appears that it has still managed to succesfully sync as I can see 1 new character in the Roster and all the characters below Level 10 have been blown away (is that supposed to happen?)
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby Ulminia » Wed May 20, 2009 8:46 am

"\xE3\xA9sis<..." have no idea what data this is from and as for characters below lvl 10 .. um this has to do with them not being in the armory till they are lvl 10 so unless you do a cp update toons below lvl 10 do not show...
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby tuigii » Wed May 20, 2009 9:46 am

Another reason NOT to treat the AS as a GuildProfiler/CharacterProfiler Update - which means wiping the member and players table, and rebuild the lot.
As seen right now, Notes info gets lost, as players sacs/banks and as usual, small players (bankers) are being thrown out.

Since the beginning, Poeter tried to maintain a solution where Guild updating from AS would be the same thing as updating from GP+CP - using the hooking system exposed by WoWroster.
We might as well face it : is not quiet the same thing.

My point of view is that retrieving the info from the Armory is a huge job, and Ulminia is pulling it off nicely.
But the integration part with the roster should be broken (rewriten, using a proprietary system), leaving it up to the roster admin to decide :
Update info for a player if AS gives newer info
Update a from [equiped items/talents/high facts/etc(what is exposed by the Armory, today, and tomorrow)] or a subset of this.

AS is and will be a special type of addon - why not treating it this way ? It will guarantee a huge audience.
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby AnthonyB » Wed May 20, 2009 11:44 am

Very true.

To be honest, I can't see myself actually using the memberlist sync again as I can get the data very easily (and safely) using GP. My interests in using it for now are more as a tester/feedback role. In fact, I'd almost go as far as saying, why even have the memberlist sync? That said, I'm sure it's useful for a small proportion of people so probably the most important thing now is some form of documentation to outline what these various things do, what data is (currently) exposed at the Armory to sync, etc.
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby Ulminia » Wed May 20, 2009 1:53 pm

i am exploring ways to have a/s not dump data thats allready in the database ..... but a/s as it is creates a virtual cp or gp file and uploads it and if there is no data the roster phasor dumps it ... but i will do my best ... a/s is working wonderfuly most if not all errors are gone ( i rock) i am fully ready for duel specs when roster is i have my code all done allready and its in there not defaulted to main spec on the armory ... and talent locals are being worked on ... im currently cashing all of them from the armroy and adding them to a/s manualy which is not hard .... but ial do this for the 4 main languages for the roster then no more issues with that i hope ...
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - Memberlist sync generates Database error

Postby AnthonyB » Thu May 21, 2009 9:34 am

Oh, don't get me wrong, ArmorySync is a hugely important addon for Roster as if provides a solution to one of the biggest problems (data population and accuracy). I so, so hope that Blizzard expose more data through Armory (e.g. Recipes) so there is even less reliance on people to run CP and upload the data into Roster themselves.

Ulminia, you *do* rock! :)
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