The 2.6.0 value is hard coded somewhere in the AS. It just can't take this value anywhere from the Armory ...
I also saw the same message for all updates - and it was easy to understand that this could be corrected by entering 2.6.0 on the main Roster config page. As every body else (except Ulmina of course
) I entered there 3.0.0 long time ago, because I don't want anybody to feed my roster with a CP that has a version number of 2.6.0 (means OLD - not compatible - and in a worse case it will feed info to the roster that isn't ok).
This forces people to UPDATE their CP.
My question was more something like : why on earth AS needs to work with this version number ?
This is a CP thingy, and I'm pretty sure that Blizzard isn't following any of Calvin's addons - or even something that's based on it
Imho : AS should parse out the last update date of the WoW Armory, and compare that with the timestamp (if any) in the players table [member was already updated at least ONES in the past] or the members table [member NEVER updates his char before].
And overwrite the roster tables with any info that it can get from AS.
This implies that it isn't logic to start overwriting "zero" = "" information with "some information" already present - see the Public/Officier issue - these are Roster only field, AS updates these valeus with "" (nothing) so Main/Twink rules are blown up.
I actually think that the entire update process of AS should be reconsidered.
It should be more some like :
If Char exists then
for each set of info that the Armory can offer do // Like equipement - Talents, Reputs, Skills - but NO sacs, banques, Public/Off note etc
Assign values
else // New char, never updated before
Assign all info from AS to tables in roster. Default some values which are unknown for Armory but known for Roster.
Of course, this means that AS couldn't use the same update path as a CP update does right - or,
updating should be made intelligent, so it updates only info that has been SET, leaving the field that weren't touched (exceptions might exist).
The good news : the latest version actually managed (for 95 % - some missed) to update (actually : overwrite) my 210 members..... with English tooltip info - for a French Guild (
I know that an American guy can consult OUR Guild in his own language (English) on th eArmory - but our Guild is French - and our chars pages should be consulted/updated in French
- our default Roster language IS French.
Anyway, Uli, you made a hell of a progress - take another break - it really does you good.