2.7.1 errors - minor typos in EnUS.php

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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2.7.1 errors - minor typos in EnUS.php

Postby AnthonyB » Thu May 14, 2009 8:42 am

Line 40
$lang['admin']['armorysync_status_hide'] = 'Hide status windows initialy|Hide the status windows of ArmorySync on the first load.';

should be

$lang['admin']['armorysync_status_hide'] = 'Hide status windows initially|Hide the status windows of ArmorySync on the first load.';

Line 185
$lang['armorysync_add_helpText'] = "Spell the charakter / guild and the server names exactly how they are listed on the Armory.<br />Region is EU for European and US for American/Oceanic.<br />First, ArmorySync will check if the guild exists in the Armory.<br />Next, a synchronization of the meberlist will be done.";

should be

$lang['armorysync_add_helpText'] = "Spell the character / guild and the server names exactly how they are listed on the Armory.<br />Region is EU for European and US for American/Oceanic.<br />First, ArmorySync will check if the guild exists in the Armory.<br />Next, a synchronization of the memberlist will be done.";

...actually, there are so many I've just attached the 'fixed' EnUS.php file
AS 2.7.1 /locale/EnUS.php typos fixed
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - minor typos in EnUS.php

Postby Ulminia » Thu May 14, 2009 12:24 pm

wow .... and how long did this addon go with no one noticing cause i dident edit the local files at all
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - minor typos in EnUS.php

Postby AnthonyB » Thu May 14, 2009 12:43 pm

he he... well, this is the first time I've been brave enough to have a go at using this addon so it hasn't been perused by my pedantic eyes until now :P
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - minor typos in EnUS.php

Postby AnthonyB » Thu May 14, 2009 1:07 pm

Another updated version with even more fixes
More typos fixed
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Re: 2.7.1 errors - minor typos in EnUS.php

Postby AnthonyB » Fri May 15, 2009 12:49 pm

...and another... unfortunately my text editor doesn't have spell check :S

think I've got them all now.
Even more typos fixed
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