Very Great for your Job. This roster is a most poverfull.
Escuse me for my English , i m french and i hope that you undestand me.
Ma first problem is in Key Page with a SQL Error and error on membersinst.php on line 183.
The page return :
- Code: Select all
SELECT FROM `roster_items` items LEFT JOIN `roster_members` members ON members.member_id = items.member_id WHERE items.member_id = '59' AND () GROUP BY
You can see on
I m on a EU Server ( french called Illidan PvP )
I translate enUS.php, but i don't think that going to my problem.
I Hope that someone can help me.
My second problem is in Char Page.
You can see here on
Info as " Stamina " or "Intellect" or other no display and on the bouton under the page no display.
I thank you for all help you can give me and i m very happy to find your website