Probably a phpBB3 issue.
For every forum site I visit: I normally click New Posts to get a list of posts I might be interested in. Then I go down the list and Control-Click the "newest post" link for each thread I want to read. This opens that thread in a new Firefox tab in the background. When I've done this for all interesting threads, the first few threads should have finished loading in their tabs. I then go left to right through my tabs, reading each thread, while later threads continue to load. I never need to wait for a thread page to load, no matter how many images it has.
Alas, it looks like phpBB3 is intercepting Control-Click. So when I do that to the "newest post" link, the thread opens both in a new tab and in the current tab. So I have to keep clicking the Back button to get back the list of new threads.