I couldn't help myself

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I couldn't help myself

Postby zanix » Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:31 am

Moving to a new server and April 1st being today, I just couldn't help myself but pull a prank.

Just after the move to a new server and phpBB3, I changed the main page to show our old CMS (DragonFly) and said I was retiring as admin.

The April Fool wrote:It was all a lie
News Due to the stress of moving, we decided to just drop it and revert to DF and our old server.

It was too much, I just couldn't take it.

I am also retiring as admin of WoWRoster.net, it's time I moved on.
I will choose a new admin tomorrow, when things should be looking better.

:rofl: April Fools!
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Re: I couldn't help myself

Postby Gaxme » Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:34 pm

I was going to do a similar trick at work and offer my resignation... But I think they might have taken me seriously.
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