Armorysync Svn 437 public test

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Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Ulminia » Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:13 pm

im looking in to the class issue its odd happens now and then ... but it shouldent... see what i can figure out but at least there are much less errors.. and please post your error logs with a web address.... i like to see the roster so i can try and reproduice the error..
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Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Jolaus » Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:36 pm

Hi Ulminia

here is the link to my roster Timor Hostium
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Re: Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby quarum » Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:47 pm

quarum wrote:Mine will now updated about 14 then it throws this error:

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/html/argonauts/roster2/addons/armorysync/inc/talenticons_.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /html/argonauts/roster2/addons/armorysync/inc/armorysync.class.php on line 754

The [function.require] is a link - when I click that I am getting:

Roster Error
The module [function] does not exist

Getting this at
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Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Subxero » Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:51 pm

I get more info about the problem.

With a Guild CP update I get the error "empty class" on all "Death Knight" and some other aleatory chars.

With a Guild armorysync update I don't get the error and sync almost every char.

And another glitch
On talenttree table ares stored:
Armorysync: Blood death_knightblood
and not:
CP: Blood deathknightblood

These line need use $class (better remove $clas and use only 2 variables for all)
Code: Select all
                        $dl_talentTree[$talentTree] = $this->_getDelocalisedTalenttree($talentTree, $dl_class);
                        $this->data["Talents"][$talentTree]["Background"] = $this->_getTalentBackground($dl_class, $dl_talentTree[$talentTree]);
Last edited by Subxero on Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Ulminia » Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:29 pm

$clas is death knight with the space removed because of an issue with spaces in filenames in unix based systems thinking i may revert to using class id numbers or somthing... and as for the talent tree settings ial have a look at em
Code: Select all
      540 Blood deathknightblood 1 56
      667 Blood deathknightblood 1 18
      667 Frost deathknightfrost 2 0
      540 Frost deathknightfrost 2 5
      667 Unholy deathknightunholy 3 53
      540 Unholy deathknightunholy 3 10

axual code in my sql database they should be in there properly....
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Re: Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Crazy_Land1 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:54 am

Well thanks to tuigii and Subxero i have the Armorysync installed and sorta working lol
Ok here it goes.

Installed, set it up then ran the Armorysync memberlist, it worked.
Then ran the Armorysync Chacracter under the guild list, started to work on Char number 2 it thru out this error

1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'mana_regen' at row 1

Did a search on the page to find that and i see this (`mana_regen` = '',)

So i thought ok lets try some thing, so in to Roster Control Panel i go and i removed the Char in question that was throwing that error, restarted the Armorysync Chacracter under the guild list and it worked and this time it got to member 12 then kicked the same error.

So once again i removed that Char and redid it and this time it got to member 26 and thru the same error, now i would delete this Char but thats my Guild leader lol and he has updated his info 5 times in the time of me playing with this :P

Any ways the other thing i did was i went to his profile for that Char and did the Armorysync for that Char and it did it with no troubles.

Here is the web page link so you can try and see
Last edited by Crazy_Land1 on Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Ulminia » Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:21 am

hrm odd issue i have never had this error popup... needs looking into
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Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Ulminia » Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:24 am

Code: Select all
  `mana_regen` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `mana_regen_cast` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
i guess roster wants a value for this... ial lookinto it...
"1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'mana_regen' at row 1" what file is kicking this error might not be an armory sync issue...
Last edited by Ulminia on Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Crazy_Land1 » Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:59 am

All that was done was some members uploaded there CP files, Tuigii and i have been talking about this and i got tuigii to look at my database and it seems to not be doing what it should.

(Normally, the 'wrnet_id', if not present, should default to zero.
Or, you are using a Microsoft SQL server, how interprets thing differently.)

From tuigii, now i opened the 'wrnet_id' in the install.def.php and changed it to 0 what was funny is the number was 122 for some reason.

After changing that and uploading the file back then it installed it and started to work but thru out those errors on some of the Char's.

So im not sure what is going on, if you want i can pm you with some info and let you go thru to see
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Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby zanix » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:36 am

wrnet_id should be the id number from the download section
Code: Select all

So 122 is correct, since that is the id for armory sync in the download section
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Re: Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Jolaus » Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:42 pm


My error is the same nothing changes

The quiet die function suffered a fatal error. Die information below
First die data:
[0] => 2006: MySQL server has gone away
[1] => Database Error
[2] => /home/a8207230/public_html/roster/lib/dbal/mysql.php
[3] => 234
[4] => SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `roster_addon_config` WHERE `addon_id` = '32' ORDER BY `id` ASC;

Second die data:
[0] => 2006: MySQL server has gone away
[1] => Database Error
[2] => /home/a8207230/public_html/roster/lib/dbal/mysql.php
[3] => 234
[4] => SELECT `guild_name`, CONCAT(`region`,'-',`server`), `guild_id` FROM `roster_guild` ORDER BY `region` ASC, `server` ASC, `guild_name` ASC;

PHP Notices/Warnings:
[/home/a8207230/public_html/roster/lib/armory.class.php] => Array
[0] => Notice line 23: Constant USE_CURL already defined
[1] => Notice line 284: Undefined variable: guild

[/home/a8207230/public_html/roster/addons/armorysync/inc/armorysync.class.php] => Array
[0] => Notice line 1852: Undefined property: ArmorySync::$properties
[1] => Warning line 1852: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument
[2] => Notice line 1852: Undefined property: ArmorySync::$properties
[3] => Warning line 1852: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument
[4] => Notice line 362: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$title
[5] => Notice line 404: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$mainHandWeaponSkill
[6] => Notice line 404: Trying to get property of non-object
[7] => Notice line 413: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$offHandWeaponSkill
[8] => Notice line 413: Trying to get property of non-object
[9] => Warning line 566: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
[10] => Warning line 566: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
[11] => Notice line 1633: Undefined variable: guild
[12] => Notice line 1744: Undefined property: ArmorySync::$debug_url
[13] => Notice line 1627: Undefined variable: guild
[14] => Notice line 1744: Undefined property: ArmorySync::$debug_url


Please Help me
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Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby PleegWat » Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:05 pm

Jolaus: You have an issue with your mysql server. This may have several reasons, including many/heavy queries being executed, or no queries being executed for a long time.

Are you getting this in any other areas?
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Re: Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby tuigii » Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:14 pm

Crazy_Land1 wrote:1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'mana_regen' at row 1

Did a search on the page to find that and i see this (`mana_regen` = '',)

This is the same issue as your the wrnet_id='' issue (if a wrnet_id='122' was present then you never should had any problems in the first place ^^).

Question : the mana_regen error shows up when Armory Updating ? or CP.lua updating ? Your Guild master is a priest (drunk mostly of the time, that might explain the issue - so he's not regenerating anything - subject closed :rofl: )

In my opinion, all classes that run around on mana should have always have a 'mana_regen' value that's bigger then 0.

Btw : sort your memberlist on Title - putting above the GM....
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Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Ulminia » Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:58 am

i just edited the mana_regen value for as if it not set it inputs 0:0 so no more db issues ... with that any way
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Re: Armorysync Svn 437 public test

Postby Crazy_Land1 » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:10 am

This is while doing Armory Updating, he has updated his CP and it does the updating np.

The Char it is stoping at and throwing the error is Zaios, i just did the Armory Update while typing this up and it got to Zaios at member 25 and thru out the 1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'mana_regen' at row 1.

Now i know doing it with the CP file works cause Zaios makes Gems and is about the only one in the Guild that i know of that does and when the guild leader uploads his CP Zaios's info is all there and gives no errors.

So im more leaning to a database problem with MySQL running on a Windows Server
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