The one of my Guild : ... ercp&a=g:1
This one isn't a 100 % pure "version 2.0.2"
A more or less pure "2.0.2" is here : ... list&a=g:1
For both rosters, look at the bottom.
Debugging is put to on.
Several times, this shows up :
PHP Errors
Notice line 261: Undefined offset: 1
Notice line 261: Undefined offset: 1
What happens on line +/- 361 in addons/memberslist/guild/index.php :
list( $curr, $max ) = isset( $r_prof[1] ) ? explode( ':', $r_prof[1] ) : array( 1, 1);
Throws an error because $r_prof[1] DOES NOT contain a ":"
Reason : $prof is somewhat been cut off around 350 characters.... it seems like its overflowing .... or these field are build dynamicly.
Here's one (an entire $row['professions'] of a player thats faulting ) :
Protection|1:1,Fureur|1:1,Armes|1:1,Enchantement|428:450,Couture|405:450,Secourisme|418:450,Pêche|185:225,Monte|300:300,Masses à deux mains|300:400,Masse|50:400,Mains nues|399:400,Haches à deux mains|400:400,Haches|400:400,Epées à deux mains|400:400,Epées|400:400,Défense|400:400,Dagues|350:400,Bâtons|1:400,Armes de jet|1:400,Armes d'hast|3
The 3 should be part of somthing like
Armes d'hast|300:300
It has been cut of.
Please, put on Debugging on the main CP page, and have a look if you guys find the same issue.
edit : I've another roster to maintain - just remebered about it - it was still running 2.0.1.
I checked if the same PHP errors were there, but : NO.
I upgraded the roster to 2.0.2.
The errors were there.
So, I went to the WEBSVN to see what happened.
Aha : if I take away the "2.0.2" version of the addons/memberlist/guild directory (or, to be more precise, the file index.php) : put back the 2.0.1 version of this file then the errors are gone.
2.0.1 version was:
$toolTip = (isset($r_prof[1]) ? str_replace(':','/',$r_prof[1]) : '');
2.0.2 version is now:
list( $curr, $max ) = isset( $r_prof[1] ) ? explode( ':', $r_prof[1] ) : array( 1, 1);
$toolTip = $curr . "/" . $max;
in addons/memberlist/guild/index.php