WoW Wrath Theme

This section is for discussing DragonFly CMS and WoWRosterdf themes

WoW Wrath Theme

Postby Harshmage » Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:31 am

I realize that Anax is still working on the WoWRosterDF 2.0 integration, and that WSG Designs has made a WotLK theme {here}, but I reworked the graphics and CSS for the WSG Designs TBC theme to fit the WotLK expansion, and even edited the WoW WotLK logo to be animated.
The attached is the DF 9.1 theme I'm using currently on my site, in case you want to look for yourselves. All credit still goes to WSG Designs, rlgura, and Razac.
WotLK DF 9.1 Theme
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