[Requet] EPGP addon

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[Requet] EPGP addon

Postby hades200082 » Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:15 pm

Would it be possible to make an addon to display EPGP data?

The EPGP scores are stored in officer notes in the format EP,GP for main toons anyway.. so it shouldn't be hard I would have thought.. I just don't have the ability to do it myself.

Can anyone help me?

All I want for now is the ability to display the EPGP standings. TY.
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[Requet] EPGP addon

Postby Ulminia » Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:44 am

how about a copy of the lua file with the data ... and i can see what i can do between remaking Roster Gallery and finishing Raid Progression
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[Requet] EPGP addon

Postby hades200082 » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:34 pm

After much consideration the EPGP addon is not really a suitable condidate since it keeps it's data in the officer notes as it doesn't allow non-guildies to be part of the system.

MorgDKP2 however in conjunction with eqDKP Plus does :)
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