formatting goes out on char panel when skills get too high

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formatting goes out on char panel when skills get too high

Postby AnthonyB » Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:30 pm

Sorry, but couldn't work out a better way of describing it or where the problem occurs! ... nfo&a=c:25

Because my Damage has gotten so high, i.e. XXXX-YYYY it causes a line wrap forcing the last stat (Crit Rating) out of the box border
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formatting goes out on char panel when skills get too high

Postby zanix » Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:09 am

I know what you mean just by the description
The text overflows into the next line

I think the only good way to fix this is either make the char panel bigger, make the text smaller, or truncate the text

When all the active devs get their acts together (or more precisely, some spare time to work on Roster...) we will be making a new theme for Roster, one that doesn't look like it does in-game

So then this problem will be fixed, since we wont be limited in the design
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