Database Error

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

Database Error

Postby Crazy_Land1 » Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:09 am

Hi all.

I did a search on the error i am getting but only came up with an old post about it, be for go on about the error here is my setup

Basic Server Info
OS Windows NT
Server Software Microsoft-IIS/6.0
MySQL Version 5.0.67-community-nt

PHP Settings
PHP Version 5.2.5
PHP API Type isapi
safe_mode Off
open_basedir Off
allow_url_fopen On
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 2M

WoWRoster v2.0.2

I have two Char's that give me errors and i have 6 others that don't, the error i get is

1265: Data truncated for column 'melee_ohand_maxdam' at row 1
INSERT INTO `roster_players` SET `name` = 'Crazylandii', `guild_id` = '4', `server` = 'Silvermoon', `region` = 'US', `level` = '71', `sessionHK` = '0', `sessionCP` = '0',

and it goes on from there, now i did the upload with out any add-ons to wowroster and with add-ons and i did just this char and i get the error, i deleted the .lua file and rescaned this char and uploaded to get the same error.

Both the char's in question give this same error but all my other char's don't and other guild members have not had this happen.

also the max file size im not worried about since most of the time i have done it one at a time and deleted the file after each upload so the file is under a meg...

Any help on this would be good and thank you :)
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Database Error

Postby zanix » Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:42 am

In that long SQL text, find this
Code: Select all
`melee_ohand_maxdam` =

Then post what's right after that in the quotes
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Re: Database Error

Postby Crazy_Land1 » Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:01 am

ok here it is `melee_ohand_maxdam` = '247 x102%',
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Database Error

Postby zanix » Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:18 am

Yeah, that value is messing it up
Code: Select all
247 x102%

The field is supposed to only be a number

I think CP isn't converting that value correctly
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Re: Database Error

Postby Crazy_Land1 » Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:13 am

Ok, is there a way to fix it or is that some thing you guys have to do at your end?
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Re: Database Error

Postby Crazy_Land1 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:44 am

ok the only way i have found to get my char's to work is to log in to WOW remove there weapons, log out and relog wow then save the info then upload......

Every thing is there on the page but the weapons, so i have a feeling it has some thing to do with the runeforging that death knights can do on there weapons, hmmmm maybe still doesn't work for my hunter so i have other things to try and will post what i have found :)
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Database Error

Postby zanix » Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:45 am

Seems we need to parse out the non-numeric characters from the number

Does 247 x102% mean what it says?
247 times 102%
And is the 102% a buff?
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Database Error

Postby Ulminia » Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:54 pm

102% refers to a 2% increse in damage via a global buff spell or talents 102% should be translated as 247 * 1.02 which will give the value 251.94
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Re: Database Error

Postby tuigii » Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:10 pm

Ulminia goes modding CP ?

Is this just a simple incident, or some new way of how the WoW client exposes its internal vars / how it hands them over to the CharacterProfiler's interface ?

Crazy_Land1, this should be a buff, thats pretty sure, what is it, where did it came from - please detail. If others know what it is then the issue can be reproduced, and a solution can be found more quickly.
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Database Error

Postby PleegWat » Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:56 pm

It's not new. We've had it before, I think with a hunter aspect.
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Re: Database Error

Postby Crazy_Land1 » Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:31 am

Ok details

This is what i do and what i get......

First i delete the cp files both lua and lua.bak files, then login to wow log on to my hunter, open his professions then close then open char window and click save.
Log out.
Upload the cp file
Get 1265: Data truncated for column 'melee_ohand_maxdam' at row 1
Delete files again
Log in and remove all armor and weapons, open professions, open char window, click save, log out

Upload cp file and it works :thumright:
But does not show armor and weapons since he is not wearing any.
Log back in and put armor back on and save again, log out and then upload again and it works.
Log back in and add his bow and do all this again and it works.
Then i added his main hand weapon saved and all again and it works.
Then added his off-hand weapon and save and all then i get the 1265: Data truncated for column 'melee_ohand_maxdam' at row 1

So to me that is where the problem is in the off-hand for some reason.
I do this with my death Knight and i get the same results, ohh and each time i do this i delete the files so they are small.

Ok now the hunter has
Off-Hand= Gladiator's Cleaver
Main Hand= Gladiator's Slicer, Both unbuffed and are pvp weapons

Buffs on at the time of saving are
Kindred Spirits
Spirit Bond
Aspect of the Viper

Town Dalaran at the time of saving

Death Knight Has
Off-hand= Savage Cobalt Slicer, Rune Of Fallen Crusader
Main-hand= Titansteel Bonecrusher, Rune of Swordbreaking

Ebon Champion
frost Aura

Town Shatt at the time of saving

Now if i have both Char's with no off-hand weapons then im good to go every thing uploads like it should, as soon as i put them back on and save then i get that error.

not sure if this will help but both hunter and Death knight are Night-Elfs and both Dual Wield where my other Char's don't Dual Wield and they upload like they should. :bash:

I just got the wowroster downloaded and setup on my server and have had 4 people upload there info and im the only one that has this problem right now, the others don't have any char's that Dual Wield and im going to see if one of our other Guild member that does can do this and see if he gets the same error or not, he has a Dual Wielding warrior....

Any ways sorry to take up so much time and thank you all for the help :grin:
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