
Displays character achievements

Moderator: Ulminia

Re: Achivements

Postby tuigii » Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:35 pm

Borsti wrote:This problem comes from translation without UTF 8 codet files.
Check this one

Thanks, Borsti, NOW at least Achievements actually shows something.
But the SQL tabels stay empty, like my server can't access the Armory.
Or : ArmorySync works (worked) ...

I'm using the French language - and using the

I think I'll dive in the code, see what happens and why ^^
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Re: Achivements

Postby Borsti » Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:40 pm

tuigii wrote:Thanks, Borsti, NOW at least Achievements actually shows something.

The fr/FR translation file isn´t complete.
Add the missing translations and it should work.
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Postby Ulminia » Sat Feb 07, 2009 7:14 pm

UTF 8 is an issu im working on as for your info not staying in the tables this is odd if your character is out of date no info will stay in the tables like armory sync wont store any thing for a out of date character im working on an error code for this .. also when you do your update there should be a number of achivements that are stored in the scrole windo .. if this is blank try looking at debig code and see what happaning and as for the armory language this is set in the file updater auto us uses all others should use
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Postby driller » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:11 pm

installed the achiements plugin for wow roster i have uploaded my character profile and put the armory_class.php in the lib folder but this is all i get when i click on the achivements icon.

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Re: Achivements

Postby tuigii » Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:22 pm

Ulminia wrote:..... all others should use

I'm on it for about 4 weeks now, but never managed to take anything out of

What I have is what Driller showed just above.

So, I figured: my web server us hitting the Armory (the general wow site in Europe) to often for server status updates etc, so I had it refreshing ones an hours at most.
I even firewalled all outgoing connections from my server to (and related IP's) so Blizzard would finally, really forget about me.
That worked: putting some debug statements in the lib/armory.class.php that dumps the XML file the has been "urlgrabbed" and that it WORKS now !
It takes down the correct XML info from the Armory.

What blows up is the XML parsing :
In the xmlparse.class.php file, this
is getting set on line 60, there is some error about invalid character input in the XML file.
(I'll detail this one afterwards)

Conclusion: the XML bails out, nothing has been parsed, and Achievements stays empty (as seeing in the post above).

What I'm gona do is setting up a Guild in my Roster for a US Guild.
I'll try to join a US WoW server (I think this is possible to do so from European WoW client) and have a look for a 'host' Guild (can't really export my Golds from here to there - so ... please, anyone accepts a lvl 1 worrier ??) so I can set up a 'original' US Guild Roster.

Then I can use Achievements to see how it work - or should work.
And comparing it with my EU results......
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Postby driller » Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:51 pm

hmmm for some reason it has worked now.
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Re: Achievements

Postby DoubleTap » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:21 pm

I am hoping that someone has nailed this and we can get a fix published. The picture listed above by driller is an exact image representing what is displayed on my roster.

I am keeping my eyes on this thread :P

US Server - Alterac Mountain
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Re: Achievements

Postby tuigii » Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:41 pm

Hey, guys, please indicate you are on US or EU Armory ?

So we can know we are looking after different sources, or other troubles.
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Postby Ulminia » Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:59 pm

yea knowing the local for your guild and ither us or eu armroy are nice to know because i am us and a us server i have built the addon using it but all the xml is the same in us and eu..
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Postby ScratchMonkey » Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:53 am

Or at least post the URL of La Cosa Nostra's roster. The screenshot is too blurry to make out the URL.
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Postby driller » Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:37 am

URL for the roster is

the guild website is

eu guild on terenas server

but its working fine now all i did was change the wow armory address in the update_hook.php

like so

if( $r[1] == 'US' )
//$base_url = 'http://localhost:18080/?url=';
$this->base_url = '';
//$base_url = 'http://localhost:18080/?url=';
$this->base_url = '';

then updated my character via the armory sync and it worked fine.
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Postby driller » Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:43 am

the character profiler dont seem to upload your achivements for some reason the the only way to get them is by syncng it with the armory sycn addon that Ulminia has so kindly updated for us all. :D
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Postby Ulminia » Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:45 am

achivements should work with cp file upload they do on my server ... lol
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Re: Achivements

Postby CrimianVaid » Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:04 pm

US server - The Scryers
I get the same result as the photo above.
I updated the armoryclass etc. but continue to get a non-populated template...I don't mind tinkering, but was curious if this got sussed yet and I am just missing something obvious.
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Re: Achivements

Postby Borsti » Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:27 pm

I´m working on deDE localisation but the Menu seems to be hardcoded.
I changes in enUS
$lang['achive'] = 'blubber';
$lang['General'] = 'nixda';
$lang['Quests'] = 'fragen';
$lang['Exploration'] = 'augen auf';

But nothing changed.
The localisation in deDE wouldn`t work too :bash: :bash: .
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